Page 227 of Master of My Life

He pressed his lips together. “Sydney tried to seduce me.” He winced and looked at her.

She chewed the inside of her cheek. “What did she do?”

He hesitated and Sabrina’s heartbeat sped up as she imagined Sydney stepping into a shower with

Chase, running her hands down his water-slicked chest on their way to his cock . . .

“She . . . kissed me.”

She stared. “She kissed you? That’s it?” Relief spread through her body like a cool rainstorm.

“I didn’t kiss her back,” he said quickly. “I walked away from her, told her to never call me again,

and left.”

“I thought she was dating Damian.”

Chase shook his head. “I thought so, too.”

Sabrina stared at the scar on his chest. She wasn’t sure what she felt. She knew Chase had told

her the truth. “Why do you think she did that?”

“You know we have a history. Maybe . . .” He sighed. “I don’t know. I can’t imagine Damian not

being the jealous type.”

They were quiet for a long time. Sabrina leaned her head on his chest and listened to his


“I’m sorry,” he whispered.

“I don’t think there’s anything to apologize for, Chase.” She sat up and shrugged. “Will you work

with her again?”

“Oh, hell no.”

Sabrina smiled. “Can’t blame her for trying. You are very handsome.” She kissed him. “And

kind.” She kissed him again. “And the most wonderful man in the world.” She kissed him long and


“With a heart that belongs only to you.” He kissed her again, pushing her to her back. His tongue

demanded entry to her mouth and teased hers. She ran her hands up his muscular back and returned his

kiss. Oh, how she loved this man!

Chase’s eyes snapped open. It was still dark out.

He’d been so consumed with being with Sabrina, he’d forgotten to talk to her about the whole

Master thing.

Shit. The ritual was supposed to happen this afternoon, and he hadn’t talked to her about it. What