Page 320 of Master of My Life

Sabrina bit her lip as Chase kissed Ethan again and slid his hand into his sweats. “You didn’t send

pics tonight.”

“We didn’t want Lance to see,” Sabrina said softly.

Chase nodded, stroking Ethan’s cock and pulling it from his pants. “You’re sticky.”

“She does that.”

Chase chuckled and kissed Ethan’s neck before moving to his knees and taking his cock into his


“Oh, God . . .” Ethan mumbled, burying his hands in Chase’s hair.

Sabrina shifted on her feet as she watched Chase take Ethan all the way into his mouth. Her body

flooded with desire as she watched the two men she loved enjoy each other. Chase’s movements were

languid, bringing his lips to Ethan’s hip before slowly pulling away and sliding his tongue around the

crest of his cock.

She clenched her fists, wanting to kneel next to Chase and have her turn, but they had so little time

together, she didn’t want to interrupt.

Chase moved back and forth until Ethan began moaning softly. “Fuck . . . Chase . . .” He grunted

and pulled Chase’s hair, his hips jerking as he came. Chase’s cheeks hollowed and his Adam’s apple

bobbed up and down.

Sabrina sighed as Ethan’s body relaxed against the wall. Chase stood, and they grinned at each


“I needed that,” Chase said.

Ethan gave a shiver and ran his hand over his sweaty forehead. “You sure know how to make a

guy feel loved.”


Sabrina smiled and walked to Chase as he held out his hand. “Did you enjoy that?”

She nodded. “I always enjoy watching you two together.”

“Now I really want to go to bed,” Ethan said with a yawn. “But I want to hear about Damian,


Chase made a face. “He was nice. And a little fun. Good-natured when he lost.” He shook his

head. “I don’t get it. Maybe my gut is completely off, but he didn’t do anything to make me

suspicious.” He pulled Sabrina to the foot of the bed and sat down with her on his lap. “He suggested