Page 287 of Master of My Life


The figure stepped into the light and she gasped. “Theo!” He was as impressive as normal but had

a dark cloak around his broad shoulders.

Ethan tilted his head and frowned. “What are you doing here?”

He took a few long strides and stopped in front of them. “I must take you to Tokyo.” His gaze

rested on Sabrina.

“What?” She blinked, trying to digest what he’d said. “Japan?” Then her heart clenched. “Is

Chase okay?”

He nodded once. “Chase is fine. Your presence has been demanded at a meeting of the Elders.”

She glanced at Ethan, who looked at Theo, brows drawn together. “Why?”

Theo turned to Ethan. “It is an Elder matter. I am not at liberty to discuss the subject.”

Ethan frowned but apparently knew better than to question an Immortal.

Sabrina glanced down the hallway toward the larger studio. “I have another dance to perform,

Theo,” she said softly. “I can’t abandon the ballet.”

“To delay risks the Elders’ anger increasing.”

Her heart fell. “Is it because of Chase?”

“In a way.”

Sabrina looked at the floor and bit her lip. She couldn’t leave in the middle of the performance,

but she didn’t want to get into trouble either. What was she supposed to do? “Will they be terribly

angry if I stayed until the end?” She swallowed. “I have a responsibility to the ballet company,” she

said in a soft voice, her neck craning as she looked up at the giant standing in front of her. “But I don’t

want to anger the Elders, either.”

Theo searched her eyes for a long moment, and she felt the rush of him reading her mind. She

poured into her thoughts every ounce of her desire to honor her commitment to the ballet company and

audience, but also her respect for the Elders. She knew she couldn’t force the Immortal to do her

bidding, but she could make him see it wasn’t about her avoiding the consequences of her earlier


At last, he nodded. “I will return when the performance is over.” His expression turned stern. “We

must leave immediately after.” He turned to Ethan. “You must figure out how to explain her absence.”

Ethan nodded. “Will do.”