was an Elder two thousand years ago and nearly became Immortal. Kronos banished him to the outer
darkness, but I and my brothers are afraid he may have found a way to return.”
Chase looked at Richard, who didn’t look surprised. “You knew?”
“Theo shared his thoughts with me when you were talking to the others.”
Chase grasped the arms of the chair. No, he didn’t want to become Sabrina’s Master. “Isn’t being
her husband enough?”
“No, Chase, it is not. Love is powerful. Very powerful. But combined with the power of being a
Master will help you fight him when it is time.”
“What about Ethan?”
“If you are her Master before you bond him to her, he will have an element of that in his bond with
her as well. If you are not, then his bond will be a normal marriage bond.”
“Which is better?”
“More, in this case, is better.”
“You’d still be head of the family,” Richard said. “He couldn’t usurp your authority.”
“I’m not worried about that.”
“I didn’t think you would be, but I wanted you to know.”
Chase stared at the polished wooden coffee table in front of him. He wanted to protect Sabrina
with every ounce of his being, but he didn’t want to control her.
“You would not control her,” Theo said, reading his mind. “You could if you needed to, but
controlling is something you do intentionally. It does not happen accidentally.”
“I thought Elder-Sons couldn’t be Masters.”
“Elder-Sons are able to become a Master, it’s just not allowed.” Theo smiled. “Those rules were
put into place after Vamar was banished. He began his quest for power when he was a Son, gathering
demi-Immortals behind the back of his father. If Richard became her Master again and he shared his
power with you, you would not be a full Master. Richard would be her true Master, and you would be
secondary, as Alex was to Wilhelm with Anna. To become her full and true Master, you cannot share
it with Richard. It would weaken your own power over her.”
“Wouldn’t it weaken it by giving it to Ethan, too?”
Theo shook his head. “If Richard was Sabrina’s Master, you would have a part of his power. He
would be the true Master, you would be under his authority. If you are fully her Master, as an Elder