Page 206 of Master of My Life

What happened?

I do not know yet. Ethan says he will call you.

A moment later, Chase’s phone buzzed. He picked up his phone and punched the screen. “What’s

going on?”

“I video-called you,” came Ethan’s voice through the speaker. “Turn on your camera.”

He pulled the phone away from his face and saw Ethan’s anxious face looking at him. He punched

the screen and Ethan gave a half-smile.

“I thought it would be better for you to see. Richard’s on his way. Theo’s here.” He frowned.

“What happened to your face?”

Chase shook his head. “I’ll explain later. What’s going on?”

Ethan turned the screen so he could see Sabrina lying on the bed, pale and waxen as the moon.

Her eyes were closed, dark lashes brushing against her cheeks. Only her chest moving gently up and

down gave any indication that she was alive.

Theo appeared in the picture, and he placed his hand on her forehead and closed his eyes. He

didn’t move for several long minutes and Chase’s heart sunk when he finally pulled away. “She is in

the world between our worlds.”


He frowned. “It is a place of dreams. And nightmares.” He sat down on the bed and stared at

Sabrina. “You must come home soon, Chase. She needs you.”

“Can’t you—”

Theo shook his head. “I cannot go there. She must decide to return to us.”

Chase’s chest tightened. He couldn’t breathe. “How does she . . . How can I help?”

Theo gave him a sad look. “You must come and talk to her. Remind her of what is good here.

Remind her that something exists besides her Master.” He looked back at Sabrina and sighed. “He is

draining her life force.”

She gasped and arched her back. Her lips parted, and she winced and gave a small cry.

“She’s in pain,” Ethan said in a quiet voice.

Chase could barely see her through the tears in his eyes. He was so far away. Still an hour from

home. Could he make it in time? “Theo, can you bring me home?”

He shook his head. “You are in an airplane. I cannot teleport to an object moving so quickly. And