Sabrina frowned deeply. “Jon would never do that.”
“How do you know?”
Sabrina rolled her eyes. “Because he loves her.”
“Okay, but just imagine he wasn’t really who he seemed to be and he was hurting her. Don’t you think she should break her promise and tell Jayson? Or someone who could help her get out of that situation?”
“Of course. Jayson would kill Jon if he were doing that.”
Chase smiled. “Why?”
“Because she’s his little sister and he adores her.”
“But what if she never told him? What if Jayson had a feeling something was going on and couldn’t figure it out. And then, one day, Liz came home so hurt, she couldn’t dance.”
Sabrina’s eyes welled up with tears at the thought of Jon doing something hurtful to Liz. Then she narrowed her eyes and clenched her fists as she thought about it more. “I’d kill him,” she growled.
Chase quickly put his hand on Sabrina’s shoulder. “Sabrina, what you’re feeling... It’s bad, right?”
The anger grew inside her at the thought of Liz being hurt. “Yes.”
Chase cupped her chin and made her look at him. “That’s how Jayson is feeling right now.”
Sabrina sat up and looked around. “Why? What happened to Liz?”
Chase shook his head. “Nothing. Liz is fine. But I don’t think you are.”
Sabrina stared into Chase’s stormy-gray eyes, trying to clear her head enough to understand what he was trying to tell her. The anger made her mind fuzzy, but looking into Chase’s kind but intense eyes calmed her. “She’s okay?”
Chase nodded. “Nothing has happened to Liz. But something has happened to you, hasn’t it?”
Chase watched several expressions pass over Sabrina’s face as she seemed to slowly understand the point he was trying to make. He had a feeling that she’d grown attached enough to Liz and Jayson that the idea of Liz being hurt would open her heart to some empathy, and was relieved to see it working.
“What happened, Sabrina?” he asked gently.
Instantly, she looked down and bit her lip. He reached out and tipped her head up. “Remember how you were just feeling? Jayson is feeling that way about you right now.” As am I. She tried to shake her head, but Chase wouldn’t let her. “He is. He cares a great deal about you. So does Liz. They’re very worried about you. If you tell me what’s going on, I will do everything in my power to help you.”
He saw the hesitation in her eyes. He knew she wanted to tell him, but something held her back. It made his heart ache to see the fear in her eyes. “Can you tell me what will happen if you do tell me?” It was a roundabout way of getting information, but maybe if he could allay her fears of what might happen, he could get her to tell him what was going on.
Sabrina brought her knees to her chest and hugged them as she looked past him toward the window. He released her chin and she continued to be silent for a few more moments. He knew he had to be patient. She was on the verge of opening up, so he remained silent and still, not wanting to give her a chance to be distracted by him.
“The other dancers... ,” she whispered after several minutes of silence, tears filling her eyes. “He promised he’d stay away from them if I... If I kept my promise.”
Chase took a deep breath to keep himself calm. He had a suspicion of what was going on, just needing confirmation. “Aiden?”
Sabrina nodded.
More deep breaths. “What would he do to them?”
She hesitated again, opening and closing her mouth several times. “I can handle the kinds of things he likes,” she whispered. “They can’t.”
Chase’s heart started pounding in his chest. “What does he like?” He didn’t really want to know, but knew he needed to ask.
Sabrina shuddered, still staring out the window. “He likes to be rough.”
He swallowed. “So he told you if you did what you promised, he’d only do it to you and stay away from the other dancers?”