Page 8 of Master of My Heart

Before she could decide whether to stay or go, Mr. Baker walked through the glass door. He stopped short when he saw her, his expression a combination of apprehension and curiosity.

“Sabrina? Are you all right?”

She stared at him for a long moment, focused on the few strands of red hair left in his otherwise white hair, still debating the wisdom of coming here. “I need help,” she whispered, cringing at the words that might get him hurt. Or worse.

He glanced at Eloise, then back at Sabrina. “Where’s Ramon?”

Sabrina blinked and swallowed hard. “Dead.”

Mr. Baker blinked, too. She wasn’t certain, but she thought she saw relief in his expression. “And Khyan?”

She shook her head. “I don’t know. He’s been gone for...” She chewed her lip, “... a while,” she finished lamely. “I need to get away before he comes back,” she added in a whisper, somehow imagining that if she didn’t speak very loudly, Khyan would never find her. She winced at a shooting pain in her head as her heart began to pound again, this time with fear of being caught before she could get out of town.

Mr. Baker looked at her for a long time. His face remained impassive, but she saw the conflict in his eyes. Fear... determination... worry.

Sabrina wondered how much, if anything, he knew about her situation.

Finally, he nodded. “How can I help?” he asked, sitting down next to her. “I’m glad you’re here, Sabrina. I’ve worried about you ever since you started dancing with us.”

“You have?” Sabrina’s mouth dropped open in surprise. He’d never given any indication of caring about her. He only spoke to her of things concerning the ballet. Never even asked how she was doing, except that one time when she’d woken up and didn’t know where she was. Khyan had gotten so angry...

Mr. Baker nodded. “I knew something wasn’t right with your situation, but the board insisted that I not ask questions.” He tilted his head. “I won’t ask questions now, but I will do whatever I can to help.” He patted her hand.

She let out a breath and felt her body relax. “Thank you.”

He smiled and they looked at each other for a moment. “How can I help?” he repeated gently.

“I want to go to Boston.” The words escaped her mouth before she realized it, and she was shocked at how confident she sounded. She certainly didn’t feel confident.

“Boston, eh?” Mr. Baker chuckled. “I think you’d do well there, but there are many fine companies around the country. Heck, you could go to Europe, Sabrina.”

His comment made her pause. “Really?”

He nodded. “You are an amazing dancer. You should be somewhere you will shine.”

Sabrina felt warmed to the center of her being at his genuine enthusiasm. “I appreciate that, Mr. Baker,” she said, the spark of hope she had started to feel earlier fanning into a flame. “But I...” She inhaled deeply, the thought of seeing Chase again making her heart flutter. “I know people there.”

Mr. Baker’s brows drew together. “I didn’t know you had any family.”

She shook her head. “Not family. I did an intensive there before—” She frowned. “I was there when I was sixteen. Martin was so kind...” She closed her eyes and remembered the feeling of being wanted for a professional company. Remembered Martin, the director of the company, urging her to come dance with them even before she graduated high school.

And Chase. Chase! Her heart ached, longing to see him again.

“You know Martin?” Mr. Baker asked, interrupting her thoughts.

She opened her eyes and nodded, the thought of being in that wonderful city making her feel as if she could fly. “Do you?”

“We danced together a long time ago.” A slight smile appeared on his face before he slapped his hands on his thighs and stood. “I think you’re finding favor with the universe. Boston is having auditions next week.” He smiled warmly. “Let me find the information and we’ll get you there.”


“Are you okay to drive?” Mr. Baker asked as Sabrina settled into the driver’s seat of the SUV sometime later.

They’d decided she’d be safer if she drove the hour and a half to Phoenix and stayed there overnight before taking a bus to Northern Arizona the next afternoon. Early Sunday morning, she’d get on a train and start the three-day journey to Boston. Mr. Baker suggested a train because it was a less obvious mode of travel. And since the auditions weren’t until next week, she’d be constantly moving until then and harder to find. Of course, once she was in Boston... Well, she’d be thousands of miles away. She’d find Chase and his mom and be safe.

She hoped.

Sabrina clenched the steering wheel, her knuckles turning white, and nodded. “I have to be,” she said with a forced smile.