Theo laughed. “I will take you home.”
“Who’s Kelsey?”
“My wife,” Tom answered.
Strangely, she didn’t feel a jolt of guilt for sleeping with a married man. Two, actually. They were Elders, and her Masters.
Maybe she was beginning to accept who she was.
“I went back and told her you were all right, but I am certain she would rather see you than hear it from me.” Theo saw Sabrina’s expression and shrugged. “I appeared quite suddenly at dinner and told him we needed to leave right away. As you can imagine, she was concerned.”
“Thank you. Let me get dressed and we can go.” Tom disappeared into the bedroom.
“Richard, I have explained to Sabrina a little about what a Master does, but she will probably have more questions.”
Richard nodded. “I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have,” he said with a warm smile, affection in his eyes.
She felt her heart and spirit open to him as it did for Tom and she bowed her head. “Thank you...” She trailed off, not sure how she should address him.
“Call me Master when we’re here, Sabrina. Outside the Manor, call me by my name.”
“Yes, Master,” she said, amazed at how easily it rolled off her tongue. And how it pleased her to say such a word. When Neil and Terric spoke it, it made her feel sick inside. With Richard, it was different. It felt right.
Tom returned a moment later and he and Theo disappeared. She stared at the now empty space.
“What questions do you have, Sabrina?” Richard asked, sitting down in the chair Theo had vacated. “You may sit.”
She sat down gracefully and looked at her knees. “I don’t even know what to ask,” she said softly. “I feel a little overwhelmed.” She paused. “And, at the same time, kinda peaceful.” She glanced up to see Richard watching her closely.
He nodded. “As I understand it, someone such as yourself feels more at peace when they have a Master. A good Master, not an abusive one. I’ve not been around the Elder-Mistresses a lot, but I’ve seen enough to know that they love their positions and their Masters. Not that I expect you to love me,” he added quickly. “It was just an observation.”
“I do feel a level of affection for you that I didn’t feel before,” she admitted.
Richard grinned. “And I feel the same.” He reached out and patted her hand. His touch made her breath catch in her throat. She swallowed hard, embarrassed at her reaction.
She knew it wasn’t meant to be sexual, but she felt desire in her belly. She wanted to touch him, to please him. And she felt ashamed that she did.
“You’re becoming aroused again?” he asked softly.
She nodded, staring at the floor and clasping her hands together. “How can you tell?”
“I saw it in your eyes. And your cheeks are becoming flushed.” She heard him shift in his seat. “I won’t force you to please me, Sabrina. If you’re conflicted, I can stop it.”
“What do you mean stop it?”
“Come and kneel before me.”
She did as he said and he placed his hands on her head. They were large, warm, and comforting. But kneeling in front of him made her want to reach out and touch him. A warmth spread through her body and the overwhelming sense of desire dissipated. She could still feel it, but she felt more in control of her own body.
As Richard removed his hands, she opened her eyes and stared up at him. “Why would you do that?”
He tilted his head. “Because you’re not ready for more yet. Your body wants sex, but your mind is conflicted. You need to talk to Chase and make up with him first.”
She liked looking up at him. She liked being at his feet. He was kind and gentle and didn’t insist on getting his way. “Thank you, Master,” she whispered.
Richard took her home. It was almost midnight and she was exhausted. The apartment was dark when she arrived, so she slipped into her room and fell into a dreamless sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.