Chase ran his hands through his wet hair and laced his fingers on the top of his head. He took a deep breath. Sabrina needed sex like normal people needed oxygen. At least it wasn’t a stranger. He wished they’d talked to him first, though. His chest felt hot.
He heard shuffling through the phone’s speaker. “Chase, we didn’t think—”
“Wait. Ethan?” Relief spread through Chase’s body like cool rain on a hot day. “You and Jayson?”
“Who did you think he was with?” Ethan asked.
“Dude, you didn’t think I’d sleep with Sabrina, did you?” Jayson’s voice came through the speaker.
Chase’s legs gave way and he sat down hard on the weight bench. He knew Jayson better than that. And if something had started, Ethan would have stopped them. He shook his head.
“Geez.” Jayson groaned. “What a way to ruin a good fucking.”
Chase ran his hands over his face. “Sorry,” he mumbled.
He had no issue with his two friends hooking up. Chase knew Jayson had been bi since high school, and after Ethan joined the Brotherhood, he’d become more sexually open. It kind of came with the territory.
“It’s okay, man,” Ethan said. Chase could almost imagine him giving that nonchalant shrug of his. “What’s up? Why are you calling so early?”
“You weren’t answering your phone,” Chase said. “I was a little concerned.”
“Oh. It’s in the living room. I, well, I heard a noise coming from Sabrina’s room and went to check on her.” Ethan paused. “Pretty sure she was, uh, thinking about you and taking care of things.”
Chase grinned as his mind wandered a little to seeing Sabrina touching herself while lying in bed.
“It was hot,” Ethan continued. “Jayson came out to... What were you doing?”
“Getting some water,” Jayson said.
“Oh.” They both laughed. Chase rolled his eyes. He was avoiding acknowledging the jealousy growing in his chest.
“Jayson heard the noises, too, and, well, we just went back to his room.”
“Okay.” Chase pushed aside the images of his two friends in bed together. If he’d been there, he might have joined in. If Sabrina weren’t in the picture, that is.
“So, what’s up?” Ethan asked.
“Richard called me this morning...” Chase recounted his conversation from earlier.
“Wow,” Jayson murmured after he had finished. “I guess we don’t have to worry about Aiden anymore.”
“Just the guy who killed him,” Ethan remarked. “How do you think Sabrina will take it?”
“No idea,” Chase said and pressed his lips together. “Can you call me when she gets up? Or have her call me?”
“Sure thing,” Ethan said. “She should be up soon.”
“Thanks,” Chase said. “I’ll let you guys go.” He imagined they wanted to get back to business.
They said goodbye and Chase returned to his exercises, ignoring the flow of blood to his dick. In the shower later, he’d have two fantasies to indulge in.
Sabrina groaned at the intrusion of the gentle voice in her sleep. Her body felt heavy and she didn’t want to move.