Page 11 of Master of My Heart

She saw her parents taking her to the airport... Saw Chase for the first time at the festival... The flutter in her heart... Meeting him and his mother at the banquet on the yacht... Dancing with him. Talking with him. That kiss. Losing her heart.

Then another memory, longer and stronger, filled her mind...

The man turns back to Khyan. “You should have retrieved her sooner. Now she will be more difficult to break. Her heart is awake.”

His words make me smile slightly. Defiance lights a flame in my heart. I lift my chin and glare at the two men. The blond man gives me an icy grin. “I said difficult, not impossible, Sabrina. I do enjoy a challenge, and you will be my triumph.” He arches a brow. “Breaking you will be a pleasure for both me and the men in this house.” He steps closer and grabs my chin. “You will be mine to control and use, the journey to that point long and painful. For you. Pleasurable for me.” He tilts his head. “It will happen, I assure you. How long and how painful is up to you, though.” He smiles, eyes lighting with demented delight. “I’ve been waiting for this for so long, I don’t want to wait any longer.” He begins to unbutton his shirt, and I step back.

Khyan is still in the room, and I glance back at him in horror as he begins to undress, as well. I scream, remembering what happened to my mother.

“Scream all you’d like. It won’t do any good,” the man says, shrugging out of his shirt to reveal a trim upper body, not unlike the male dancers I know. When he reaches for his belt, I squeeze my eyes shut. He laughs. “Such innocence will be a feast for my body. By all means, continue to deny what’s going to happen, but in a few minutes, you’ll be screaming in pleasure and begging for more.”

I open my eyes, keeping my gaze purposely on his face. “You think I’ll enjoy you raping me?”

“Oh Sabrina, Sabrina.” He shakes his head and sighs. “What makes you think I’m going to rape you?”

I press my lips together, ignoring the fear bubbling up inside me. “Why should I think any differently?”

I hear his pants drop to the floor and he steps toward me. I step back again and feel hard flesh against my back. Khyan. I try to move sideways, but he grabs me around my waist. I whimper as he presses me back against him. I don’t feel any clothing and can only assume he’s naked, too.

“You are made for this,” the man continues in a soft voice. “You are made to please men. To spread your legs and give us immeasurable pleasure.” He reaches out and slides a gentle hand against my neck. “Your body, once awakened, will crave cock.”

I flinch at his crude words and look away. He chuckles and slides his hand down to my clavicle. I shudder, then suck in a breath as he moves lower to my breast and cups it gently.

“No,” I whisper as he caresses me over my tank top. It feels good. How can that feel good? Am I so weak? My nipple tingles and I resist pressing toward him.

He steps even closer. “You were made for my pleasure, Sabrina. To pleasure me and anyone I deem worthy of your attention.” He brushes over my nipple slightly, and I grit my teeth against the feeling. “You are a sexual creature, made to use your body to please and seduce.”

“You think so little of women?” I snap, praying the anger will extinguish the growing feelings of need inside me.

“Not women. You. Women are beautiful and desirable, yes. But you are special. So very special.”

He leans down and kisses my neck, sucking gently. I tilt my head, then realize what I’ve done and slap him. Khyan grabs my hands and pins them behind me, pressing my wrists into my lower back.

The man leans back and smiles as he studies me. “You have no choice, Sabrina. You will give in.”

I spit at him. “Never.” The man’s amusement irritates me, and I narrow my eyes.

“Shall I tell you what you really are?”

I narrow my eyes at him. “What are you talking about?”

“You’re not human, Sabrina.”

“Of course I’m human. What else would I be?”

He shakes his head, that damn amused look on his face again. “You’re Immortal. The product of an Immortal and a human woman.” He shrugs slightly. “Well, that’s where it started. Your mother was three-quarters Immortal. She bred with an Immortal and had you. You are so much more. So much of what I’ve desired for so long.”

I stare at him, not knowing whether I should believe him or not. I mean, why would he tell me the truth about anything? What reason do I have to believe anything that comes out of this man’s mouth?

“You don’t believe me?”

I frown. “How do you know about my mother?”

“Your birth mother? Because I was there. I was there when you were born. I was there when you were conceived. I had your great-grandmother brought to me so that, eventually, you would be born for me.”

“You’re only... What? Thirty-five? How is that possible?”

“I look this age, but I am much, much older.” He waves his hand absently in the air. “You will meet the women later and know I am telling you the truth. Not that it matters if you believe me or not. It is the truth.”