Page 59 of Ruthless Savage

I shouldn’t want to go back there. But a part of me was kind of excited to go again. Maybe see that man in the mask one more time, the one who didn’t talk back. It’s strange, but I felt so drawn to him. Maybe I was just in a trance from the illusion of being in that environment. It’s like when you step inside that place, you leave a little of yourself behind.

Maybe if I keep going back, I’ll get used to it and will be brave enough to actually lose my virginity there. I’ve already done more than I ever thought I would.

Okay, maybe that was stupid. I think Karen is rubbing off on me too much. I’m obviously not thinking with a straight head.

But my thoughts instantly rewind back to that man. The way he felt. That tall, strong build. The way he lifted up my dress and took what he wanted. But he was gentle too.

I thought of Devlin the entire time, wanting to scream out his name, but I was afraid someone would hear. I squeeze my thighs together, imagining it was actually Devlin doing that to me.

“Oh, no.” Karen narrows her eyes. “I can see the wheels turning in your head already. You're gonna say you don't wanna go back to the club, aren’t you?”

“She shouldn’t. Neither should you.” Kayla gives her a stern look that she briskly ignores.

“We’ll be fine!” She waves a hand in the air.

“I can’t go back there.”

“Oh, come on, Eriu. If you really admit it, you want to go back.”

I do. I want to see that man again. The one who touched me, but never spoke a word—except once when I thought I heard him.

That voice…

It sounded so familiar, which of course is nuts.

But is some stranger really worth putting myself in danger? The Russians could use me against my family.

“There’s danger everywhere,” Karen adds as though taking a ride in my mind. “This is about having fun! And it looks like your days of fun may be numbered.”

“Are you planning on going back to the club soon?”

“I am. This weekend.”

Oh, God. That’s soon.

Kayla shakes her head and folds her arms across her chest.

“Adam told me about the text that's going to be sent out the day before the event,” Karen adds. “Please tell me you’re gonna come with me. I hate going alone.”

“I don’t know…”

“Just one more time. If you really hate it or if you feel unsafe, we don’t have to go back.”


Am I really doing this?

Of course, the right decision would be not to go. But here I am thinking about it anyway.

Kayla grabs my hand, and our eyes lock. Worry weaves through her features.

“Please be careful. I don’t want you to ever get hurt the way I—” But her words die in her throat and her jaw sets tight.

She’s scared I’ll fall prey to the same evil she once experienced.

I grab her forearm. “I know you’re worried about me, and I appreciate that.”

“There are too many evil men in the world, girls. Don’t be reckless.”