My mind travels to Mason feckin’ Reynolds. Thoughts of him undressing her, touching her, fecking her. Never gonna happen. Never gonna happen with anyone, if I can help it.
My teeth grind together at the thought. She has no idea how badly I want her. I want everything with her, even when it makes no bloody sense for us to be together. But I want her still. Yet I know that can’t happen.
One whiff of her, and my enemies will come runnin’, and they will destroy her and leave me with pieces of my broken heart.
I like to pretend I don’t have one. It’s easier that way. But with her, all my heart does is beat, and I often wonder how it’d feel to love her. To feel her love in return. Until then, all I have is her from a distance.
I continue following Karen’s car, which is driving too damn fast. My hand curls around the wheel, tighter the quicker she goes. If anything happens to Eriu, she’s gonna have me to answer to.
Where the hell could they be going? A club, I’m assuming. Didn’t she learn her lesson the last time? My God, what is she thinking? Too much alcohol and danger at those places.
I know she wants to experience things she never has in her sheltered life. I get that. But she has to be careful, more than any other girl her age. And sure, that’s not fair, but we don’t get to choose the life we’re born into.
They get off at an exit, and I’m right behind. I doubt they’re even paying attention to anyone around them. Hell, there could be a bloody assassin after her, and she wouldn’t feckin’ know.
I should charge in front of that car so I can drag her back to her dorm room. But that will only get her pouting and angry, probably causing me more of a headache.
Better to stay back and keep her safe. And if anyone tries anything, I’ll be there to stop them. Permanently, if I have to.
They take a few more turns until they arrive at a contemporary building in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by commercial properties, many of which aren’t in operation.
What the hell is this place? She gets out, and both girls are now wearing masks. So are all the people around them.
What the feck?
A guy approaches them wearing one too. He seems to know them both. I hate not knowing who that is.
Looking around, I realize I’m the only idiot without a mask. How the hell am I getting inside this place without one? I exit my car, trying to be as hidden as possible, but I stick out like a sore thumb.
I don’t like this. She’s getting the hell out of here.
Karen loops her arm through Eriu’s, and together, they head for the entrance. A guard scans them before they hand in their cellphones. They then rush into an elevator and they’re gone.
“Shite…” I mutter.
I’m bound to lose her here.
My eyes scan the perimeter, spotting men securing the doors inside, looking strapped. I inspect the roof for more guards. I’m sure they’re up there. That’s what I’d do. Have snipers on the ready. Keep the muscle hidden to keep up whatever appearance the owner of this place is trying to achieve.
But who’s running it? I’ve gotta find out what the hell Eriu has gotten herself into. Again.
With hands in my pockets, I strut closer to the entrance. I’m really screwed. Can’t bloody well shoot my way inside.
“Excuse me,” a feminine voice says from behind me while two women pass by.
Both of them are in high heels and skintight white dresses that reach the ground. They glance back at me and laugh.
“They won’t let you in without a mask, handsome. You should go get yours, then come find us.”
What the hell did she just say?
“No, thank you. Where do I get one?”
She scoffs, but doesn’t say a word, rushing into the place instead.
When it’s my turn, the security guard stares through dark eyes, his face covered with one of those bloody masks too.
“No mask, no entry. Get lost.”