Groaning, I stretch my limbs across my twin bed, recalling the events of last night. What I did. What he did.
Maybe it was all just a terrible dream. Or more of a nightmare.
But once I rotate my foot and a bit of pain radiates across my ankle, I realize there’s no such luck. It all happened as I remember it.
Forcing myself up, I place both feet down while seated, testing it out some more.
Nothing too crazy. I’ll live.
I run a hand down my face. I can’t believe I stripped for him. How stupid could I be? What did I think would happen? He’d take one look at me and decide, yep, this is the girl for me. Just look at those nipples.
I laugh dryly at my own childishness. Instead, what I gave him was a full view of everything. Then he decided to enact his version of revenge and really humiliate me. What a jerk!
I seriously can’t believe he did that. Punishment? I scoff. Well, hope he got to enjoy the view, because that’s never gonna happen again. Devlin will never see me naked unless he puts a ring on it. Or at least buys me dinner first.
I really hate him right now, really dreading seeing that sexy, rugged face of his. My God, I love his thin stubble across that firm, sculpted jaw. Want to run my fingertips across it as he kisses me.
I grumble and reluctantly get to my feet, knowing that in reality, there’s nothing about that man I can hate.
I take a couple of steps, and though I can walk on my injured foot, I decide I’m skipping class today. It still hurts, and I’m afraid I’ll do more harm when walking from class to class. Plus, it would help not to see Devlin all day if I don’t have to.
My face flushes just remembering what happened between us.
Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Getting back to bed, I get my cellphone from the nightstand and shoot Devlin a text, knowing he’ll be showing up here to follow me to class.
Not going to class today. Headache.
Does your foot still hurt? I’m bringing you to the doctor.
What? No. It’s fine. It only hurts a little. Nothing to get crazy about.
Fifteen minutes. Be ready.
I shake my head in frustration, knowing there’s no way to make this man reconsider. I force myself to the shower and slowly strip my clothes off before getting in. The water is hot, and I’m careful so I don’t fall.
The last thing I need is to call Devlin for help while I’m naked. Again. No, thank you. Once was plenty.
Karen, of course, is still not back at her dorm. She would’ve texted if she was. Unless she’s still sleeping, which is possible. I’m thinking she’s probably with some guy she met last night. She does that a lot. Wish I was more like her.
She’s free, untethered by family obligations. Or, you know, her virginity?
If I was more experienced, maybe I’d know how to properly seduce a man like Devlin instead of falling on my behind and embarrassing myself.
Once I’m done, I step out and dry off, brushing my hair as I let the blow-dryer whisp through each strand. With a quick touch of makeup and ChapStick, I’m out the door.
And as soon as I am, there he is, waiting for me. Those strong, muscular arms crossed over his defined chest.