His attention settles on me. “I’m glad you’re awake, son.” He smiles softly at his daughter. “Darling, would you excuse us? It seems like we have a lot to catch up on.”
“Sure, Daddy.” She glances at me shyly. “Bye, Devlin.”
Patrick settles on the chair across from the bed as soon as she’s gone.
“Tell me what’s going on. Tynan says it’s important that we speak.”
With a brisk sigh, I look into the eyes of the one man who’s been like a father to me, and I tell him everything, no matter how much I could jeopardize between me and this family.
He stares with a tight glare, a tautness in his jaw. Wish I knew what the bloody hell he’s thinking. It feels like an eternity before he finally speaks again.
“How am I supposed to trust that you won’t do the same to us?”
I stare at him and straighten my back. “Because you all are my family, and I would die for each one of you.”
His mouth thins.
“I had to save my brother. I had to do what I thought was right. I understand if you no longer trust me to work for you.” I curl my fingers at my side. “You don’t ever have to see me again if that’s what you want. I don’t deserve your forgiveness.”
“Well, let’s not get all dramatic.” He waves a hand in the air. “I know I can trust you with my family. If I didn’t, I would’ve pulled out my gun and shot you right here. I just wanted to hear you say it.” He starts to rise. “Now, you’ve gotta rest. We’ll look into these bastards while you get the proper care. I’ve assigned another guard for Eriu in the meantime.”
No way in hell!
“That’s not necessary. I’m fine.” I force myself to ignore the dizziness as I sit up, then get to my feet.
Don’t want anyone else around her. She’s my responsibility.
Stars erupt before my eyes, and I clench my teeth together just to remain standing.
“I say it is necessary. You’re gonna rest up, and once you’re cleared, you can return. Until then, you listen to whatever that doctor says. You hear?”
“Yes, sir,” I grumble.
Nothing is gonna keep me away from her, though.
He strides for the door. “I’ll see you soon.”
That went a lot better than I anticipated. Though the real trouble is imminent.
When I face Palmer again, he’s going to regret coming after my woman.
“I can’t believe your car caught on fire!” Karen shakes her head while we finish breakfast at a café on the Upper East Side.
The accident was two days ago, and it feels like it was all a dream. Like it happened to someone else.
But it didn’t. It happened to me. To us. My God, Devlin could’ve died. I could’ve lost him forever.
A pang hits my chest.
“Yeah…me neither.” I feign shock. “My father said the fire department ruled it as bad wiring.”
Now, that’s not true, obviously. My father paid them off. That’s what Iseult said. It seems like my family’s connections are deeper than I’ve realized. Who else have they paid off, and for what sorts of things?