It was a naughty side. A side that not only didn’t mind getting down and dirty right here, in public, but actually got off on it a little.
It wasn’t just his kiss that had me so turned on. It wasn’t even the fact that he was still running his thumbs and fingers over my nipples. No, it was actually the setting. Just knowing we could get caught.
But then he moaned again, and it reminded me that everything about this was hot. The second our lips met, my entire body heated until I felt like I might spontaneously combust. Yes, even in my limited experience, I knew this was something next level.
He suddenly broke the kiss, and I braced myself, fully expecting him to bring this make-out session to an end. But instead, he whispered, “Take off your shorts,” and the heat in his eyes prompted me to do exactly that.
It was a little awkward, standing and removing my shorts and underwear. I even put my hands in front of my crotch area as I moved back to climb on top of him. But there was no getting around the fact that he could see my pussy when I spread my legs to straddle him. Luckily, his eyes stayed trained on my face. That made it easier.
“Come here,” he said, reaching up to pull my face toward his again.
But I didn’t budge. I was staring down at him with a look I knew had to somewhat resemble complete terror. I had something to tell him, and it was something that could bring this entire pool shop lovemaking session to a screeching halt.
“I’m a virgin,” I whispered.
There. It was out. I wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but I was too busy holding my breath, fearful of what his response might be.
“A…virgin?” he asked. “How… How is that possible?”
I didn’t know how to answer that question. “I was waiting until marriage,” I whispered. “But I’m twenty-three. It’s time I take charge of my life.”
That was how I’d felt when I arrived in Rosewood Ridge. But I wasn’t so sure I still felt that way. Yes, I wanted to take charge of my sexuality and prove I didn’t need a ring on my finger to enjoy lovemaking. But since meeting Denver, something had shifted. Something that said I wanted good lovemaking…and everything that I’d ever dreamed would come with it. But only with him.
“Okay,” he said. “But…I don’t have protection.”
“I’m on birth control. I’m safe.”
No way would I have come here without making sure I was safe first. I’d gone to the doctor soon after my ex broke up with me. It was a weird way of feeling defiant. But now, I saw it as the first step in the new life I was building for myself.
“It could hurt,” Denver said.
I nodded. “I’m ready for it.”
I was already moving into place as I said those words. I positioned the tip of his penis at my entrance, then braced myself by grasping his shoulders. His hands remained on my hips, but he didn’t urge me to move in any way. Instead, he patiently waited for me to do what felt right.
And what felt right was having him inside me. As soon and as often as possible.
Ready for pain to shoot through me, I forced my body downward, but it wasn’t the bold move I’d planned. I met resistance within just a couple of inches. My body seemed to refuse to let him in.
I felt a little panicky. What if it had nothing to do with my hymen? What if I was simply too small for him? That could be a thing, right? Would it mean we were doomed?
But Denver wiped those thoughts away by moving his right hand from my hip to the area where our bodies joined. He began massaging my clit, something I’d read about but had never tried myself. It seemed a weird time to do that since this was supposed to be painful, but with a few movements of his thumb, I felt the faint stirrings of pleasure.
Was he turning me on? How was that possible? I closed my eyes and focused on that, and soon I was taking in even more of him.
It was still tight, and there was plenty of resistance, but oddly, the pressure made my clit all that much more sensitive. I closed my eyes and made small movements on his cock, bouncing up and down as I gripped his shoulders.
I wanted to cry out—to make serious noise—but I didn’t dare. Instead, I just whispered, “Oh God, that feels so good. Don’t stop.”
Even though my body needed some breaking in, I was wet—so wet—and that was thanks to him. He didn’t even have to touch me. His kisses had made me hot all over.
Soon I barely noticed how deep he was going. My entire focus was on my clit and the shockwaves of pleasure taking over my body. I’d never had an orgasm, but I’d heard plenty about it. I’d also heard how hard it was for a woman to have one, and I certainly hadn’t expected it to happen on my first time.
But within just a few minutes of his thumb making contact with my clit, my whole body felt like it was vibrating. A feeling of euphoria shot through me. I wanted it to go on forever—this sensation that was better than anything I’d ever felt.
When it was over, my eyes popped open and I looked down to see him staring at me, and the look on his face was more than just the lust I’d seen building since we’d met. No, this was deeper. This was the look I’d dreamed my guy would give me.
This was the look of love.