Page 5 of Free

“Defiant. I like it. It’ll break with time,” he tells me. I huff out a breath and decide I don’t have to talk to him either if I don’t want to. I cross my arms over my chest as he drives, and I take in everything. It isn’t long before we pull into a parking lot. I can’t see much around us, and that makes me nervous.

Free kills the engine and climbs out, walking around to the other side of the truck and opening my door. He helps me out of the truck before gripping my wrist and leading me toward the building in front of us. Once we reach the door, he pulls it open, and the smell of cigarettes hits me in the face.

“Here we are,” he announces as he leads me inside. There’s dim lighting and strobe lights as people dance to the music and drink. What the hell is this place? Why has he brought me here?

He leads me through the mass of people, and some smile, some talk to him, while others just look at me in pity.

“This her?”

“This is her,” Free confirms to the man who stepped in front of us.

“I’m Mask. You are?”

“She doesn’t like to talk,” Free tells him, knowing I’m not going to answer. I glance around at anything but the two hot guys in front of me. I shouldn’t even see them as hot, but damn, they would be my type if I wasn’t in this situation.

“She’ll learn to talk around here,” Mask laughs.

“Yeah, she will. It’s okay for now. From what we got of her information, her name is Addison.” My back straightens, and my head snaps in his direction. How the hell did they know my name? I haven’t told anyone my name since they took me! How the hell could they have known?

“Addison. I like it.” I cringe internally. Is this who bought me? Mask? I’m so confused by all this that I don’t know which way to turn.

“I’m gonna get her settled, then I’ll be out,” Free tells the man. He nods his head as Free continues to lead me through the room. We walk down a long hallway until he stops at one door. He shoves it open, and we walk inside. The room doesn’t look bad. There’s a bed, dresser, closet, and a chair on one side of the room. There’s another door I assume would lead to a bathroom, from what I can tell.

Free closes the door behind us, and I hear the lock click into place. I jolt a little but quickly calm myself. He won’t get the satisfaction of knowing this is scaring the hell out of me. I won’t let that happen.

I keep scanning the room for anything I can see to use as a weapon when I see the chain near the bed.

“Don’t be scared,” Free says as if he could read my mind. My eyes jerk back to his, and he smiles softly at me.

“Who bought me?”

“I did.”


“Why not?” he asks as he walks over to the chain and grabs it. He motions for me to come to him, and I debate running. Where would I go? There’s a room full of people I’m sure would stop me if I got too far. I debate it, though. Should I run for it? Should I obey and walk over to him? “You’re not gettin’ out of here. Not until we’re done.” Even hearing his words, I debate it. I look at the door and sigh, knowing he’s probably right. Those guys aren’t going to let me go.

I turn slowly and walk over to Free.

“Sit down,” he orders, nodding toward the bed. I do as I’m told and drop onto the bed and he kneels at my feet. He hooks the soft cuff around my ankle and then attaches the small chain. It’s small enough I can move around with it, but big enough I can’t snap it.

“This is just a precaution for me right now. Later on, we’ll take it off.”

Chapter 4


She’s listening well which is a shock to me. Most of them fight, but she seems smarter than the others. She sits when she’s told and allows me to put the chains on her. She doesn’t try to kick at me like a few of them did.

“If you get bored, fill out this paperwork. You can watch TV and shit. Have access to the bathroom. There’s nothin’ in here you can hurt yourself or me with, so don’t bother lookin’.”

“Why are you keeping me?”

“We have plans. You’re gonna be my guinea pig of sorts. I make drugs. Different kinds of drugs than what you’re thinkin’.”

“What if I die?”

“You won’t. They aren’t the kind of drugs you’re thinkin’ about. You’ll see soon enough,” I tell her. I see the look in her eyes.