“Not with you, it isn’t. I think we’d work well together, Free. You run the drugs, and I’ll handle the girls.”
“Might be an interestin’ aspect. I’ll be by this week. You out?” I ask him. He nods his head and stands from the chair as I do the same. He pulls me into a hug, and I hug him back before he turns and walks away.
“See you this week,” he calls out over his shoulder. I raise two fingers in the air and salute him before he walks out the door.
“What’s that about?” Van asks.
“I’m gonna check out his operation.”
“You know we’re a little against that shit, yeah?”
“A little? How can you be a little against it and a little for it, Van?”
“You know what I mean.”
“It’s not like what you think it is. It’s a safe place. I get that he whores them out, but the majority of them want to be there,” I tell him. He nods his head, knowing all this already. At first, I felt the same way, but the more I learned about the operation, the more I saw the girls wanted to stay.
“I don’t know, brother. Just don’t sit right with me, is all.”
“That’s why you aren’t a part of it,” I remind him. He nods his understanding before offering me another beer.
“As long as it doesn’t interfere with your work here,” he says.
“It doesn’t, and you know it doesn’t, Van. Besides, the club makes fifty percent of what I make off the drugs. I don’t think that’s anything to complain about,” I point out. He nods.
“You’re right. It’s not. Your drugs sell.”
“And they’ll continue to sell, and this club will continue to make money. It’s a win-win for all of us.”
“You’re the expert.”
“Damn right, I am,” I say, smirking at him. He shakes his head, a smile on his face, before he raises his bottle to mine.
Chapter 3
A chill works its way down my spine. I don’t know what it is, but I can feel something is about to happen. The lights that are usually kept off for us to sleep are switched on, causing everyone to stir. The sound of the metal rod the guards always carry is clanging along the cell doors as he makes his way closer to ours. My heart begins to hammer in my chest when he stops outside our cell. I share a glance with my cellmate, and we both turn to face the man. It’s the same disgusting man who always comes for us. He smiles, his yellow-stained teeth flashing before he pulls the key free and unlocks our door. He pulls it open and steps inside as I scoot to the back of the cell, my back hitting the brick wall.
“It’s your lucky day,” he declares, grimy teeth gleaming in the dim lights.
“What are you talking about?”
“You were just sold. It’s time to go meet your new owner,” he informs me. He reaches for me, but I swat his hand away, standing to my feet on my own. I raise my head, keeping it high as a million things run through my mind. Who bought me? What made me so special? Who’s going to be my new owner? Is it him?
The thought alone makes me sick to my stomach, but I don’t let on. He steps closer to me, running his nose along my neck before his lips touch my flesh. I cringe as his rancid breath dances over my skin. I hold my back as straight as possible as his lips skate a path down to my shoulder. The other girl cries out as if he’s doing it to her. I know what she’s thinking, he’s going to rape one of us.
“You think you’re so special.”
“I’m not,” I argue, keeping my head held high.
“No. You’re right, you’re not.” A fist slams into my stomach, causing me to double over in pain. The air is sucked from my lungs as I cough and try to catch my breath. A hand is twisted into the back of my hair, and my head is yanked up until I’m standing straight once more.
“Walk!” he roars in my face. I start walking even as pain shoots through my body. I’m led out of the cell and down the long line of occupied cells. I see the girls peering out as if they might be next. I don’t know if I’m glad to be getting out of here or afraid of what comes next. I don’t know where I’m going. I don’t know who’s paid for me.
We keep walking until we come to the end of the line, and a metal door is unlocked. Now that I’m out and moving, it looks to be an old prison of sorts. I’m taken through the door and down another dimly lit hallway before being ushered through one more door. That’s it. That’s how close to freedom I’ve been. I was a few doors away from being free this whole time. I internally curse at myself for not trying to get free before this.
Shoved out into the night sky, I shiver before I’m grabbed. My wrists are secured as a van pulls up in front of us. I watch everything. I take in everything even as I’m thrust forward and stumble.