Ember’s brows shot up. “What do you mean, not sure how long you will be here for?”
“You never know with Papa. Sometimes he wants us around, sometimes he doesn’t.” The princess shrugged.
That was not exactly what Ember had meant. The royal families of other isles never stayed away from home for long. Especially during the times of suspected rebellion.
An uneasy feeling began to creep into her gut. Maybe Nexos was an even bigger threat than just the blockade. Maybe taking Katrin was only the beginning of some broader plot to cause unrest in the isles.
“Well you and the queen are welcome in our home for however long you need. I will have one of the guards show you to the guest wing, where your father is staying.” Ember bowed, about to signal one of the young guards to take Farah when she spoke, turning to Ajax.
“Would you be able to show me? I would love a tour as well—that is if you are not too busy?” Farah smiled faintly at him, a glimmer of hope and desire that made Ember want to vomit shone in her bright golden eyes.
“I am sure the commander has much to do with your arrival…” Ember began.
“Nonsense, I would be happy to take you, Your Highness.” Ajax bowed as well, lifting his arm so that the princess could loop hers around.
“Right, of course. Enjoy. I will see you both at dinner then,” Ember said, but the two had already begun to stroll down the hallway. Ajax looked back just for a moment, giving her a look of—well, Ember was not quite sure what it was. She was going to be sick. But for now she was late to her training. Political training this time, trying to catch up on years of teachings she had neglected for parties and fineries. At least it was with Iason. At least she did not have to stare at Ajax’s warm brown eyes and stupid grin like she did everyday in the ring.
Ember hurried off toward the library. She usually hated being in the dusty old room, preferring the small studies with their comfortable chairs and books on myths and fiction, but she loved spending time with Iason. She had grown up with him always being around. Her uncle had died quite some time ago, but Iason would always indulge Ember in stories of their past. The battles they fought side by side, the adventures they took on the great seas.
He had loved her uncle Machius more than anything, and took in Katrin and Ember as part of his family. Even though they had never married—could never marry—Iason had stayed loyal to Machius, to this family, to Alentus. He gave every bit of his heart and mind and soul to them.
But it had never been public. It never could be. Only those in the family knew what he really was to her uncle. To them all.
They began their lessons like they always did, reviewing political allies in the isles.
“Can you remember how each isle is tied to each other?” Iason would ask her.
To which Ember would always repeat as she did now, “Morentius is tied to Votios through King Athanas’s marriage to Queen Zahra of Tyrair. It is also bound to the protection of Alentus now, through the future marriage of Katrin and Kohl. Well, I guess also because Kohl was unrightfully crowned King of my people.” Ember tapped her fingers against the wooden table.
“Hush, now. The Wrecking is a binding tradition, you of all people know this.” Iason pointed back down at the notes Ember had taken from her sister’s desk. “Continue, before anyone overhears your treasonous words.” His chastising was more lighthearted than the words he spoke.
“Alentus is the protector of the smaller nearby isles of Xanthia, Lesathos, Cantos, and Delphine through the treaty under us, the Spartanis. Although the smaller isles have their own rulers, they are more of an annex and live tied to the laws of Alentus. Nexos is backed by the Kingdom of Hespali in Voreia, and is bound by treaty to defend the Mykandrian Isles against outside threats. Though that is becoming increasingly ironic, since the only threat to the isles is Nexos itself.”
“Well in that, Ember, you are correct. What else have we learned?”
Ember continued listing off specific traditions held in the isles. Then they came to the banners of each land. “Well ours is the fire-sun with a lightning strike down the center, colors turquoise and gold. Morentius is the viper, red and orange banners. Nexos is navy and silver, the wolf and the crescent moon. There was another one in Katrin’s notes, black and gray or silver, it looks like two snakes intertwined in each other. I don’t know where that belongs to, is it one of the kingdoms in Votios?”
Iason went ashen as he looked at the picture. “I—I don’t think I have ever seen that one before. It must have just been a drawing of hers. Something from her imagination. I think we are all done with our lessons for today.” Iason knew more, she could tell by the tremor in his voice as he spoke and the way his eyes shifted quickly from the image. Ember knew not to pry more now, but she would figure out what the senator was holding back from her.
Glancing out the window, the low light of the sun dipping over the mountains, Ember’s mind went to Ajax. She had seemed to forget about him for all of a few hours, before that unnerving distraction came creeping back. Thoughts of how his time went with Farah, what they did, what they talked about. If he liked her.
“Can I ask you something?” Ember squirmed in her chair, biting at her lower lip.
“Of course, what’s the matter, my sweet darling?” His gray flecked brows furrowed together, voice more somber.
“What was it like? Being with my uncle, but never knowing you could really be with him?” Ember began to pick at her nails, a nervous habit her mother always chided her for. One she had not done in years. Iason was the only one who could really understand her heartache, but also the feeling of not wanting this. She should not have feelings for him, Ajax was crass and full of himself and messed around with a number of women that Ember shuddered to think of—and most of all, the law did not allow it. But he was also thoughtful, and warm, and made her feel safe in a world that was so close to being broken.
Iason’s features softened, reaching his hand over toward her’s. “You know I have always considered you and your sister the closest thing I have to children. You have the same blood and the same fire and heart that my Machius did. But, my sweet darling, just because the law tells you that you cannot love does not mean you should not. It does not make the love you have for this person any less than what your mother has for your father or Kohl for Katrin. Because that’s what this is—isn't it?”
Ember’s head hung low, pieces of her golden blonde hair hanging in her face. “Maybe? I don’t know…I just don’t know why anyone would want a few moments with me when they could build a life with someone else. I always knew this would happen, that it came with the title, but it didn’t really hit me until now. I will always be alone.”
“You have grown into an incredible woman, Ember. Whoever this person is, they would be lucky to have whatever little piece of you they were able to capture. Because the fleeting moments or stolen kisses are not what you have to give. This,” Iason placed his palm over her heart, “is worth any sacrifice. And, my sweet darling, you are never alone. Not while I am here.”
A single tear escaped down her pale cheek, as she went to wipe it away.
“What is this old man teaching you that is making you so emotional? Politics was never that interesting when I learned them.” Ember glanced over at the doorway and Ajax stood leaning against the frame. She could only hope he had not been standing there the whole time they were talking.
“Oh hush, you never listened in your lessons to begin with.” Iason rolled his eyes. “The commander was quite the prankster when he was younger. It is a surprise he even has this title.” He chuckled, a low booming laugh that reminded Ember of her father.