“I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” Ajax said. “You are angry. You need time to process.”
“Need time to process? Ajax, I thought you of all people would understand. I thought—I thought we were friends.”
“We were—are friends. I just think we need to focus on what is best for your health right now. You need time to get better, to heal. And we need time to find your sister. We can’t be battling from within.” He was right. Of course he was right. It did not change how she felt though. She was beyond angry. She felt like she lost something—a piece of her. A piece of her home.
Ember’s voice cracked, “He tried to kill me, Ajax.”
“I did no such thing.” A voice trailed in from her now open door. Kohl stepped through in all black pants and slim jacket, the red and orange viper stitched on his breast pocket.
“Well we can see where your loyalties lie,” Ember spat, turning away from Kohl. Ember changed her mind. She did not want to speak to him. Did not want him anywhere near this castle. For all she cared, Morentius could pack their bags and slither back to the southern isle. “You slammed the hilt of your sword into my skull, Kohl. How exactly is that not trying to kill me?”
Kohl stepped farther into the room, trying to move toward Ember.
“Don’t take another step.” Ajax stood between Kohl and the bed. His jaw clenched tight.
“Remember who you serve, Commander.” He was really trying to pull that line so early.
“As Commander of the Spartanis my loyalties lie with its Prytan, not you,” Ajax growled. Technically he was right. As commander he would report to the Prytan, but she would then report up to the king or queen. To Kohl.
Kohl rolled his eyes, stalking forward anyway. “I’m just here to talk. To explain. See? No weapons.” He showed the inside of his jacket. “No sword, no dagger, nothing hidden there or anywhere else.” Ember did not care, she simply did not want to speak with the terrible, lying, stealer-of-her-lands man.
“You have no right to be here. Go slither back to your father, traitor,” Ember bit out. She really wanted to scream at him, beat him, make him hurt like he did to her. But what good would that do?
A loose sigh left Kohl’s lips, his broad shoulders shrugging. Ember looked at him then. Really looked at him. His ebony eyes had large circles under them, the light that usually showed in them muted. He looked worn, older almost.
“You need to understand, this is the last thing I wanted. I haven’t slept in days. You wouldn’t yield—and Ember—if I hadn’t knocked you out they would have made me kill you. The people were cheering for it. They were bloodthirsty. That is the nature of the Wrecking. I did what I had to do so that you survived.”
Ember began to laugh. The sound was menacing and disturbing with her crippled voice. “That—that is how you let me survive. I still almost died, Kohl. I can barely move even now. You could have just stepped down. All of this could be avoided.”
“You know that’s not true,” Kohl scoffed. “You only just started learning the politics of these isles. When Katrin returns, her position remains. If you were crowned, there would be no way to reverse it. You’d be queen and she’d be nothing.”
Ember cringed at how he spoke. Her sister would never be nothing. It was true, she did not know the politics that well, but there was no precedent for this. If the heir was not present. The Wrecking hadn’t even happened since the time of the Olympi. Who was he to decide what happened in her family’s lands?
“You mean she would be nothing to you. Your father’s plans would cease to exist. Is that all you care about? Katrin is not away on some trip, Kohl. She is missing. She might never return.” Her voice went soft. It was the first time she really acknowledged that possibility. A week had passed and yet none of the spies had found a trace of her.
Kohl’s expression darkened, his lip twitching as she spoke. He shook his head. “She will return. I’ll make sure of it.” They both glanced at the commander.
Ajax nodded his head as well. “We have an entire legion out looking for clues of where she could have gone. It’s only a matter of time before we catch a lead.” Ajax rested his calloused hand on her arm. It calmed her a little, but Ember was still furious with Kohl.
“And what are you doing to find my sister? You say you love her so much and yet here you stand, in front of her lowly sister rather than out fighting for her!” Kohl began to pace back and forth. “Well? Are you going to do anything or not?” Her words were as bitter as stale basil in her mouth.
Kohl looked like he was going to speak, then stopped. He did this several times, running his hand through his dark brown hair. “My father thinks I shouldn’t leave until after the coronation. He thinks it leaves too much up in the air.”
“Your father is a manipulative pig,” she snapped. His father was not a leader or an advisor on this isle, he should not have been dictating what happened. “I’m sure he’d rather my isle burn than give up the sway he seems to have over you.”
“Ember, please. Remember who our real enemy is. Remember who we are fighting. You have to trust me. This is what’s best for you, and for the people of this isle.”
“You want me to trust you again? After you almost killed me? Fine. Swear me in. Swear me in as Prytan of the Spartanis and maybe—just maybe—I can begin to forgive you for this.” She was done talking, done playing games. If she couldn’t convince him to do the right thing, maybe she could at least get him to give her this. Her rightful position.
Kohl cracked his neck. “I can’t do that, Ember. My father is worried it will make us look weak. We can’t have two transitions of power at once with Nexos on the move again.”
“I don’t give a gods-damned care what the Viper of Votios thinks anymore. This is not the south. Two transitions of power at once? That’s a bull-shit excuse from a man with an agenda. They always occur at the same time. Swear. Me. In.”
Ember had managed to finally sit up and lean against the back of the bed. Her breathing continued to be labored, a layer of sweat clinging to her skin. She was done being the weaker sister. The one people associated with parties and men, not politics and leadership. She may have been behind in her training, but she would prove to all of them that she was a force to be reckoned with. Even if the first step in that was standing up to King Athanas. That was a thing more frightening than war.
Ajax smiled beside her and Ember melted. His warm brown eyes pierced right through to her soul. He helped her gain that confidence these past few weeks. Treated her like she belonged.
“She has the full support of not only myself, but the entire Spartanis. King Athanas would find it wise not to taint the relationship the Spartanis have with this kingdom.”