Ander shrugged, flashing that stupid grin of his. “Maybe because you’re starting to like me.”

Katrin stood up and backed a few steps up toward the door. “You captured me. How could you think there would be any way I could like you?”

“Ahh, but Starling, did I not just explain it was for a very good reason? You were in danger.”

“That’s if I even believe you.”

Ander slid away from the table, walking over and pinning her against the wall. He leaned in until his lips were inches from hers, foreheads almost touching. She couldn’t take her eyes from his as her breath quickened. Ander lifted his hand up, grazing his thumb over her lower lip.

“Oh, you believe me.”

Katrin swallowed as a shiver trailed over her skin. She could feel a heat begin to replace it. But this was not the usual heat that came from anger or hatred, the one she had moments before. No—this was a fiery warmth that built deep in her center. A want. A need. A yearning for him to lean those few inches closer.

She blinked, knocking herself out of what seemed like a trance. Every time he held her stare she lost all sense of reality, purely entranced by those wandering eyes. Katrin would need to keep her wits about her. She had to find her way back home. Back to her people, to her throne, to Kohl.

“Even if I do. That doesn’t change a thing.” She pushed off him, breaking Ander’s stare. “You took me from my home. Potentially stripped me of my birthright. I will never forgive you for that—protecting me or not.”

Ander’s jaw clenched. His tanned olive skin paling. Katrin knew he was hoping for a different response. But how could he think it was that simple? Even if she did believe him, she could never really trust him. Not after he lied to her from the moment they met in the Triad Mountains. He could have told her that day. Explained that she needed to be wary of those she trusted. She could have defended herself against it. No, forgiveness was not in the stars for them.

“I know you say that now—that you can’t forgive me—but I hope someday I will change your mind. I can prove that all of this was for you,” he spoke softly. “And to answer your question, Chloe was my sister.”

The words struck her. He had a sister. And clearly cared deeply for her. Probably missed her more than words could convey.

Katrin again tried to send a wish out to her own sister. One that hoped she was alright. One that willed her strength and resolve through what was surely a trying time for her back home as well.

Chapter Twenty-Two


He had not meant for it to go this far. Had not thought he would actually speak the words until they flowed out of his mouth. I enact the Wrecking of the Throne of Alentus. Ember would kill him, and Ajax, and Katrin. Gods—Katrin would probably kill him, have her father bring him back from the dead, and kill him all over again.

Kohl started tapping his foot. His father warned him this might happen. That Nexos might appear at the Acknowledgement poised to steal the throne. He never should have left two nights ago to speak with his father. He should have stayed by Katrin’s side until this was over. Contention had been brewing in the isles for quite some time, Ajax had warned him that Nexos might already be here. They had been here, working with that lowly pirate that took his bride from him.

He hated Nexos, and King Nikolaos, and his stupid son with everything he had. When that shadowy mist began forming around another person in the courtyard he knew it was the eldest son, Nik, and the words he tried to withhold simply slipped from his lips.

Kohl would not let Ember fight him. Nexos had no sense of duty or loyalty to tradition and Ember, being the closest Drakos to the throne at present, would have the first opportunity to challenge the Wrecking. It was supposed to be a fight to first blood, but he knew Nik would make it a fight to the death if he had the chance. Yes, Katrin might be angry at him for this, but she would never have forgiven him if he did not protect her sister.

But as the shadows cleared it was not the man he was expecting. The same black hair and olive tanned skin was there, but his features were those of someone younger, the icy blue eyes of Giselle replaced the ones Kohl had come to loathe. Nik did not stand before him, Dimitris did. Kohl growled, the youngest son had the same insolent smirk as his father, as Nik, plastered across his face.

“My son, Prince Dimitris of Nexos, second in line to the throne,” King Nikolaos announced to the courtyard. Dimitris bowed toward Ember. Ajax stepped in front of her, drawing his sword and pointing it toward the ground by his feet.

“As much as we all love your introductions, King Nikolaos, we must continue with the ceremony,” Ajax spoke with a feral sense of protection.

Kohl watched him turn toward Ember, her eyes now welled with tears. He would have to apologize later for why he did this. Why he called the Wrecking. Ajax whispered something in her ear, but she shook her head, wiping the tears from her eyes and readjusting her posture, her Alentian fighting leathers showing her status as future Prytan of the Spartanis.

Again Ajax spoke. “As tradition has it, we first ask the heir apparent if they wish to accept the Wrecking. Ember, seeing as Katrin is not present, you may choose to accept or defer to the other isles.”

Ember’s face went grim as she stared down Kohl. Her golden eyes glimmered and darkened. “I accept the contest of the Wrecking.”

Her words were sharp and clear, but Kohl could not understand. She had been training, but did she really think she had a chance against him? All this would prove was that she was not ready to accept her own position as Prytan. Give his father more reasons to strip that birthright from her.

“Ember, don’t do this,” Kohl begged.

He could hear King Nikolaos chuckling from the other end of the courtyard before he, Queen Giselle, and their son disappeared in a cloud of black.

“We will now give the two contenders time to prepare for the Wrecking. When the sun reaches its peak the battle will begin.”

The crowd went up with a roar of cheers. Kohl saw Ajax try to quickly shuffle Ember off, but she stalked directly toward him.