Katrin poured the soap into her hands, lathering first her body, then her hair before dipping under the water to rinse it out. She could feel the stench of regret leave her as the bubbles rinsed away. The calming scent tickled her nose once more.
She sat in the water for only a few moments longer, not wanting her fingers to shrivel. Then Katrin stepped out, wrapping herself in one of those luxurious towels in the room, its soft fibers tickling her skin.
A small table sat in the corner with a mirror. Katrin sat down, using a comb she found to detangle her hair before pinning it back into several braids.
Slipping a shirt and the cotton pants on, Katrin looped her dagger sheath around her waist to help hold the pants up. She pulled up stockings and slid on the leather boots she wore last night. Katrin took another deep breath in, looking into the mirror, attempting to center herself. All that stared back was a drawn and angular face, purplish hues rimming her eyes.
It would get better, it would have to. She would come up with a plan. Katrin would make it home.
The ship began to lean more to one side as Katrin stepped into the main corridor of the ship. It took her a moment to gain her balance, to remember how to brace her legs as she moved about the rocking ship. The long hall in front of the bedroom led from the stern where there appeared to be a set of stairs to the main deck. She walked slowly toward the stairs, taking in her surroundings, how many rooms there were, if there were grates in the floor that lead to more storage, or worse, a brig.
When she reached the end of the corridor, the light from the deck shone through so bright she squinted until her eyes adjusted. It was much different than the soft light of the lanterns below. Once Katrin fully opened her eyes she could see the movement of the main deck. Men of all sorts hurried around, tending to the sails, and cleaning the wooden planks that made up the floor.
Three large sails filled with a warm summer breeze, pushing them farther into the open seas. She breathed in the salty air, the same smell that always calmed her back home.
This was where her planning would begin.
She started to take count of how many crew members were currently working on deck, knowing that many were probably still in their shared quarters below. Katrin reached about forty when she felt the chill of someone standing behind her.
“You must be our new guest,” a deep voice said.
Katrin whipped her head around, landing her gaze on a broad man. He was slightly taller than Ander with deep chocolate skin and short black hair. His eyes were a startling color, matching the emerald gem that held his gold plated armor to his shoulders.
Under the armor shone a blue tunic, similar to the one she wore that afternoon in the mountains, but made of a much finer material. A long sword was strapped to his back.
This man looked like he could pick her up and chuck her off the ship with one arm; honestly, he looked as though he could even chuck Ajax off the ship. Yet his features were soft, a lightness resonating off him as he spoke.
“My name is Leighton,” he said, bowing slightly at the waist, “I am the nauarch of the ship. Ander’s second.”
Katrin’s brows furrowed. He also knew the Elliniká Glóssa.
“Don’t look so frightened, Princess. I am not going to hurt you.” He went to touch Katrin’s arm, but she swatted his palm away.
“I am not frightened of you, sir,” she spat back. But she was frightened. If only a little. A pirate ship filled with burly men, weapons strapped firmly to all limbs.
“Of course you aren’t. The prince has told me how feisty you are,” he chuckled.
“The prince?” Katrin raised an eyebrow. He certainly was narcissistic enough to be some foreign prince. But then why would he need her? Allyship with Nexos? Access to the trade routes?
“Yes, the prince. Our captain, Prince Alexander of the Lost Isles.”
Katrin could not help but snort. “Prince of the Lost Isles? Well, he really is full of himself. Did he come up with that title all on his own?”
Leighton shifted his weight to one leg as his face lit up. “You know, I asked him that very same question years ago. He never gave me an answer.”
Katrin smiled, then quickly the corners of her mouth turned down as she remembered why she was here.
“Are you looking for him? Ander?” he asked.
“No. He said I may roam the ship freely, so that is what I will do.”
“Of course, Princess. Whatever you would like.” He smiled again softly. “If there is anything you need, please, just ask. I will make sure it is taken care of.”
Katrin was not sure why she asked this question. Whether it was the sincerity she could feel in his voice, or the pit in her stomach that would not go away until she learned.
She looked up at Leighton, a small mist forming in her eyes. “Why am I here? Why did he take me?”
Leighton’s face tightened with something like pity or remorse or empathy. All things she did not want from this stranger right now.