“No! No, we have to go back for him!” Katrin screamed, hoisting herself up onto the rail to jump off. Strong arms wrapped around her, dragging her back onto The Nostos. He had told her the truth. This whole time. She should have trusted him, but instead she was fickle with her loyalty. He protected her for years, with no recognition. Saved her twice. She needed to save him now. “Let me go!”

“I’m sorry, Katrin,” Leighton whispered. “I’m so, so sorry. It’s what he would want.”

Standing at the stern of the ship, Katrin could not move, watching her home fade in the distance. She needed answers. From Ajax. From Leighton. From Thalia. From Ander, but she would not get those.

Salty air began to whip at her face, stinging against the small cuts and scrapes on her skin. Her breathing began to steady as a single tear grazed down her cheek. A tear for her people. For her home. For him.

“I’ll come back for you, Ander. I promise,” Katrin whispered to the howling winds. And in her mind she could have sworn she heard him whisper back. I know, Starling. I know.

It was then that Katrin realized the red-eyed man was right. Ander was her curse, but he was also her salvation. He had sacrificed it all to save her. Had given himself up so that a little piece of hope could still linger in the isles. For a better world. For peace.

But war was coming, and once again Katrin found herself on the seas.