Page 46 of Shattered Echoes

I don't argue. I turn around and stalk out of the room. Don’t think about it. Keep your mind blank. Don’t process his words. I walk out of the house, letting the front door slam shut behind me. As I descend the steps, I collide with Colette, who's rushing up the path. "Antonio!" Her eyes widen with surprise and concern. "What's going on? I heard shouting."

I shake my head, unable to meet her gaze. "It's nothing. Just…leave it alone, Col."

Before she can protest, I brush past her and head down the driveway, towards the street. I can't face her right now, not with everything swirling inside me. I need space, time to process this cluster of fuck of fucking emotions.

I walk into my driveway but stop. I don’t want to be home right now. Where can I go? My house feels too isolated, too confining right now. I'll end up stewing in my own thoughts. I need a distraction, someone to talk to. Plus, knowing Henry, he’s going to come over later when he processes the fact that I am involved with his sister.

Without thinking, I walk past my house, further down the street to a house just down the corner to Elias’s. I hope he’s home. Now, more than ever, I need to vent to someone. And I can’t think of anyone else. He's been a good friend so far, a non-judgmental ear when I've needed one. Maybe he can help me sort through this mess because I may lose my mind if I’m alone right now.

I’m at his door a few minutes later, banging on it. It takes a minute, but, I hear the deadbolt turn, and the door swings open. Elias blinks at me in surprise, taking in my disheveled appearance.

"Antonio? What's going on, man?"

I must look as wrecked as I feel because he ushers me inside without further question. I follow him into the living room and collapse onto his worn couch, scrubbing a hand over my face.

"Do you want to tell me what has you looking like you went ten rounds with a heavyweight?" Elias asks, settling into an armchair across from me.

I snort, dropping my hand. "Feels that way. It's…it's Henry, Colette’s brother. He did something very fucked up, and I…I confronted him about it."

Elias nods. “Okay. Are you going to tell me what he did?”

I glance up at him, wondering if I want to put Colette’s business out there in the open. Ah, what the hell, I think, after some moments. How much more fucked up can this get?

I tell him everything. Well, not everything, just enough for him to know that Colette was in a real ugly marriage. I tell him about my conversation with the butler, and my confrontation with Henry last night.

He’s a fantastic listener and remains quiet throughout my entire tirade. He nods with understanding and says, "Ah, I see. And I take it the conversation didn't go well?"

"That's an understatement." I shake my head, the anger and hurt still fresh. "He admitted to arranging the whole thing, Elias. For business. He fucking sold his own sister to some abusive prick, all for the family company."

Elias's brow furrows, but he remains silent, letting me vent.

"And then..." I suck in a ragged breath. "He figured out that Colette and I have been…involved. He accused me of taking advantage of her, of being just another asshole who will hurt her."

Elias leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "That's a lot to take in, man. I can see why you're so rattled."

"You're telling me," I mutter, raking my fingers through my hair. "The worst part is, Henry threw my sobriety in my face, like a cheap shot. Accused me of being on the verge of relapsing because I had a couple glasses of wine last night. ”

I feel so betrayed. He’s my oldest friend. Why did he throw something like that out there, rubbing my shit in my face? He should understand, more than anyone else. And yet, he still said it to hurt me.

I hate sounding like I’m whining, so I decide to seethe in silence.

The memory still stings, dredging up old feelings of shame and worthlessness. Elias's expression softens with sympathy.

"That was a low blow," he breathes. "Especially coming from someone who's supposed to be your best friend."


I’m tempted to explode, but I hold back my rage, lurching to my feet and pacing the room. After everything we've been through, everything I've overcome, how could he say that to me? Like I'm some kind of lost cause, doomed to fall back into addiction.

Elias watches me pace, his eyes calm and understanding. "I think you need to look at this from Henry's perspective, as hard as that might be."

I whirl around him, ready to protest, but he holds up a hand to stop me.

"Hear me out. Henry made a grave mistake talking about your past. But, what he said, he said from a place of hurt. While that’s not an excuse, it’s still the truth. I guarantee you he’s back there right now, wishing he’d reacted differently.

“We do crazy things when we are hurt. Come on, Antonio, the man just found out you’re shagging his sister. Can’t have been an easy pill for him to swallow. You knew it would come to this, so for that sake, although I know this isn’t what you want to hear, maybe you should try to forgive him.”

I frown. “This is not my mess to fix.”