Page 10 of Faith and Fury

Chapter Seven


No-one is home for breakfast, nor do they make it back for lunch.

I stare glumly at all the plates of food. Way too much to eat on my own. Sighing, I start to pack up, saving anything that’ll make for decent leftovers.

What next? I dare to ask myself. The loft is already spotless. The laundry is all done. I guess I could deep clean the pantry, but it’s not due for another overhaul until spring.

My phone chimes, saving me from my pathetic boredom. I quickly answer it.

“Micah. You doing okay?”

Caleb’s voice is like a balm, instantly putting my inner alpha at ease. I smile. “Aren’t you the one who just pulled off a dangerous raid?”

“Wasn’t that dangerous.”

“Well … I’m glad. The squad hanging in there?”

“They’re a little tired. I tried to send them home for a few hours, but you know what that’s like.”

That I do. If what Jaxon told me is true, and there are still some ringleaders on the loose, not one alpha in the RDF is going home. That’s what Caleb gets for cherry-picking the best of the best.

“Listen,” he says, “we’ll probably be late tonight. Need to make sure all the rogues get to their refuges.”

“You’ve already placed them? That’s great.”

He’s quiet for a moment. Before I can ask, he goes on, “There’s something I need to run by you.”

I frown. “Of course.”

“There’s this rogue omega. She needs rehab, but … not in a refuge.”

It takes me less than a second to realize what he’s saying, and half a second after that for my blood to run cold.

Feral. She must be.

“I’d like to request special permission for her to stay with us in Wilder Den. At least until we can figure out a better arrangement.”

The phone turns clammy in my hand. I know Caleb wouldn’t be asking if he wasn’t desperate, or if he didn’t think we had a shot at helping this omega, but I also know damn well why he’s being so cautious.

“Micah,” Caleb says, softer. “You with me?”

“Y–yes.” I clear my throat. “Sorry. I’m here. Is Jaxon on board with this?”

He scoffs. “That’s one way to put it. His alpha is borderline obsessed.”

“And … what about yours?”

“It’s hard to describe. I think, if you meet her, you’ll understand.”

If I meet her. Not when. I guess he really is leaving the final call up to me. I appreciate him for that, but at the same time … it would almost be easier if he’d just issue the order.

“I trust your judgement,” I say at last. “And who knows? It might feel good for me to get back on the horse.”

“I’m not assigning you to be her psychiatrist,” Caleb says firmly. “We’d just need someone to spend time with her at the den. Keep her out of trouble.”

I let go of a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. “Right. Probably for the best.”