“You did good, baby girl,” Jaxon purrs, pulling me deeper into his chest. My eyes feel heavy, the pain meds setting in. “Sirena’s gonna have a field day.”
I purr back, pleased with myself.
Tell Caleb, I sign, too tired to write any more. Please.
Micah nods, interpreting. “We’ll tell him. I promise.”
Just saying Caleb’s name puts me on edge again. I hate the way he left this morning. I hate the way he talked to Micah, like he’d done something wrong. Micah’s feelings—and mine—are our business. Who is he to dictate otherwise?
Uh, Pack Wilder’s head alpha? my inner omega chimes in. I shush her.
I’ve had enough years of being told what to do. Who to fight, who to fuck, who to serve. I won’t do it anymore.
I nuzzle my face in Jaxon’s chest, reveling in his warm chocolate scent.
Fang loves chocolate … I recall, dreamily. I used to tease him.—big strong alpha with a sweet tooth.
I’m not sure he’d like Jaxon. But I know he’d like his scent, and that’s a good place to start.
Before I can ask myself where I’m going with that thought, Micah drapes a blanket over my shoulders and kisses my cheek.
“Sleep, angel,” he murmurs. “We’re not going anywhere.”
Maybe it’s the pain meds working their magic, or Pack Wilder’s scents wrapping around me, but I don’t know if I’ve ever trusted any four words more.
Chapter Thirty-Nine
I wish I could say I’m surprised to see Maverick at HQ—he’s been given another half-week leave to recover, not to mention a stern shake-down from my superiors.
The RDF tries not to make a habit of brutalizing our suspects.
But Faith isn’t the RDF. And if they knew that she was the one responsible for Axe’s condition … I don’t know where that would leave us, or our mission.
“She ask about me?” Maverick asks for the second—no, third—time.
I clench my fists. “Eyes on the road.”
He sighs, fixing his gaze as he drives us through the streets of New Caniss. “Remind me why we’re not taking your SUV?”
“I biked in,” I mutter.
“Yeah, I got that. Why?”
“Does it matter?” At his aggravating look, I huff. “In case my packmates needed it.”
Maverick flicks the indicator, turning onto the highway. “Speaking of your packmates—what’s Jaxon doing, not here?” He grins, but I detect a twinge of jealousy in his scent. “Getting some quality time with Faith?”
I swallow a growl. “You could say that.”
“Guess you drew the short straw.”
I say nothing, glaring out at the road. Just as I think Maverick is about to get the message, he suddenly says, “You sure this is a good idea?”
“They’ll be fine. Faith doesn’t need three alphas watching over her.”
He sneaks me a glance. “I meant this—” he gestures to the road, “—me, tagging along on your interrogation.” He smirks. “But if you’re worried about being away from your omega …”