Page 41 of Faith and Fury

Is she regretting her decision? Now she’s here, maybe it’s all starting to feel real. I could take her straight into my office, give her a chance to get settled, before we—

Suddenly she pushes ahead of me, striding directly toward the bullpen.

My heart skips a beat.

The entire squad stops, taking her in. Ogling. Assessing. I have to fight the urge to shield her.

Finally, someone drops a file against the desk, and it’s like the world starts moving again. None other than Maverick stands up at his desk, grinning from ear to ear.

“Well if it isn’t our famous omega champion?”

Faith bristles, but it’s Jaxon who reacts, snarling angrily.

“Her name is Faith,” he snaps. “Don’t be a prick.”

Thankfully Sirena chooses this moment to join us. She’s smaller and more soft-spoken than most alphas I know, crossing the room to offer Faith her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Faith. The boss has told us a lot about you.”

Faith’s eyes flash. It’s hard to tell if she’s about to bolt out of the room or rip Sirena’s hand clean off, but either way, I decide to intervene.

“We’re still working our way up to formalities.” Gingerly, Sirena puts her hand down. I turn to Faith. “Did you want to say anything to the squad before we get started?”

Faith considers, then lifts her notepad. NO OMEGAS?

A few of our squadmates exchange nervous looks. From the words alone, it’s difficult to distinguish whether she’s pleased or displeased by this fact.

“Omegas aren’t allowed to enroll in the NCPD,” Jaxon explains, “or the army. Which is where most of us were recruited.”

This shouldn’t be news to her—omegas have been barred from all kinds of jobs for decades, even in the more progressive districts—but still, she breathes a small sigh of relief.

FOR THE BEST, she writes.

Now I understand. Her fighting instincts probably become more volatile when there are other omegas in the picture. Omegas she’s been conditioned to knock down.

Maverick huffs. “Are we done beating ’round the bush? I think the squad deserves to know why she’s here.”

Once again, Jaxon’s lip curls. I take a breath.

“I’ve discussed this with Jaxon, and we both agree—Faith could be a real asset to the investigation. Especially now we know the ringleaders will be targeting her.” I cast her a look. “Faith insists she can handle it. She’s as determined as the rest of us, if not more, and she’s consented to the risks. So.” I turn to the room. “Who’s on board?”

I try to map the sideways glances between squadmates, picking apart every minute shift in pheromones. There’s reluctance—that much I expected.

Jaxon adds, “This is the biggest lead we’ve had since the raid. More than that—Faith knows these assholes. She’s lived with them. Fought for them.” He scoffs. “Trust me, we’re not gonna get a better shot.”

I notice Sirena has taken a couple steps back. “I don’t doubt that,” she says, incredibly doubtfully, “but if it goes wrong—if they figure out what we’re up to—I’m afraid they’ll go underground for good.”

“And Little Miss Champion over here isn’t exactly the most reliable sort,” Maverick puts in.

Jaxon squares up. “What did you just say?”

“Hey.” I put a hand on his chest. “Wait a second.”

Faith is writing something. She thrusts the notepad in Maverick’s direction. BECAUSE I’M FERAL?

He holds his hands up. “I didn’t say that.”

She returns, YOU’RE THINKING IT. Then scowls, adding, ALL OF YOU.

I’ve never seen my squad look so much like deer in headlights. I don’t know who they’re more afraid of—me and Jaxon, both of us reeking of possessive alpha, or Faith, who’s formidable in her own right.