Even as Fang takes me into his arms, rubbing himself in my scent, I can’t help but send out a silent plea to Caleb, Jaxon, and Micah. Hell, even to Maverick. I know they’re out there, looking for me—the old alpha confirmed it.
So find me, I urge. Please.
Before it’s too late.
Chapter Fifty-Six
Sirena narrows our list of suspects to about forty alphas. Granted, she doesn’t have much to go on—white, male, probably early seventies, with a bank statement somewhere in the millions, and carrying a gold-tipped cane.
“They don’t have a checkbox for ‘gold canes’ in the official records,” she mutters.
I do my best to be patient. We’re asking a lot, and not giving her much time.
But every second Faith is away from us, my alpha becomes a little more unstable.
Thanks to the entire RDF pulling an all-nighter, Jaxon, Delia, and I are knocking on doors by first light.
It’s very rare the white, early-seventies alpha actually answers the door. Normally we’re greeted by a housekeeper, just clocking in for the day. All of whom are shrewd enough not to let us inside without their boss’s permission.
That’s Sirena’s next big task, I think to myself. Search warrants.
My phone has been buzzing incessantly since before we started. It chimes again as we walk away from our third dead-end.
The text thread is filled with the same question about ten times. Every time my answer has been the same. Not yet.
“They’re gonna have a hard time keeping him in that hospital bed,” Jaxon mutters, reading over my shoulder.
“Too bad,” I grunt back. “He’s not cleared for active duty.”
Jaxon just grunts.
Two broken ribs and a monstrous concussion—Maverick would be lucky to get back to work in the next fortnight. Forget the next twenty-four hours.
“You mad at him?” Jaxon asks suddenly.
I scowl. “What?”
“He took her out in public. I know he wasn’t expecting anyone from the ring to have their eye on the suburbs, but obviously … he was wrong.”
To my surprise, it’s Delia who answers, walking behind us. “He got hit by a truck,” she reminds him, blandly. “A truck.”
My packmate pulls away. “I know, it’s just—”
“He also took a bullet for her. In case you’d forgotten.”
It makes sense that she’d defend him—they worked together quite closely, before I roped Maverick into bigger and bigger jobs. And she makes a fair point. If anyone should be proving their commitment to Faith’s safety, it’s not Maverick.
It’s me.
I’m surprised to find Micah at headquarters when we get back from our first round of door duty. It was by some miracle I managed to convince him to go home last night to sleep, and yet, judging by his eye bags, he hasn’t gotten a wink.