They took me off the street, I sign at last, knocked me out. I’m sorry, I have no idea where we are.
Fang relays the information to his fellow alpha. He and a few of the other rogues growl, infuriated. I’m useless to them.
“We’re in a bunker,” Fang tells me. “I’m guessing private property. Who it belongs to, or why the hell they’re keeping us here, I have no idea. Maybe the ringleaders struck up some kind of deal with one of their clients.”
So sharp, so astute—exactly the Fang I remember.
Any fights? I ask.
“Not yet. At least …” he eyes the bunker, darkly, “nothing in the ring. Assuming there still is a ring.”
What do you mean?
He goes to speak, then thinks better of it, signing back, We’re all on edge. Fights have been breaking out all over the place—and it’s getting worse.
My eyes widen. It’s because of the estralide.
“The what?”
It’s a high-powered blocker. They used to put it in the food, but I guess they haven’t gotten their hands on any since the raid.
That can’t be right. We’re still being dosed—I can tell.
I consider this. He’s right—if everyone went cold-turkey, they’d be rutting and heating all over the place. Maybe they’re giving you something weaker. I shrug. Cheaper.
“Yeah, maybe.” He glances around at the fussing, grumbling rogues. “But it’s not quite cutting it.”
God, as happy as I am to see Fang—to know he’s safe—it kills me imagining what the last few weeks have been like for him. While I was making myself at home in Wilder Den, he was down here with the other rogues, suffering.
“Where have you been?” he demands. “I assumed they took you to a refuge—made sure you were safe.”
They did. It was. Sort of. I take a breath. It’s complicated.
“Faith.” He takes my face in my hands and kisses me deeply. For a moment it’s just the two of us, our lips pressed together, as we were always meant to be.
When he pulls away, my inner omega growls.
“Look at where we are.” He smirks faintly. “I think I can handle ‘complicated’.”
So I tell him. From the holding cells of the RDF, to moving in with Pack Wilder, to joining the investigation, all the way up to my time with Maverick. I debate how much he needs to know about the in-between stuff—specifically, my heat, and my relationship with the Wilder alphas—but it doesn’t feel fair to leave out. Not fair on Fang … and not fair on Caleb, Jaxon, and Micah.
When I’m finished, Fang withdraws, his face dark with thought. “I see.”
He’ll need a minute to process. Probably decide just how angry he is with me.
Then, right on cue, he tells me, “I can’t believe you were so stupid.”
I knew this might’ve been coming, but still, the words sting. I quickly blink back my tears. I’m sorry, I sign. I never wanted to betray you.
“Well you did,” he snaps. “You were never supposed to come back here, Faith. Do you have any idea what the ringleaders will do to you? What they’re planning to do?”
I blink. Hang on … that’s what you’re mad about? That I got captured?
“Obviously.” At my bewildered look, he rolls his eyes. “You think I give a damn that you shacked up with three other alphas?” Then, signing, he adds, Your omega needed support. You did what you had to do.
My cheeks heat. I didn’t have to sleep with them …
“Obviously,” Fang grits his teeth, “I don’t love that part. But I’m not going to hold it against you. Especially when we’ve got bigger problems to deal with.”