Talking to Caleb is like pulling teeth—except fast, rushed, as he makes his way out the front door.
“They’re two consenting adults,” I remind him as he holsters his weapons. “And it’s not like this is the first time they’ve hooked up.”
“Don’t patronize me, Jaxon,” Caleb mutters. “This is more than just sex. At least, it’s more than that to Micah.”
The underlying accusation remains unspoken. For Faith, who knows what this is? A distraction? A quick dopamine fix? I don’t like the way he’s talking about her—or, worse, not talking about her—but he’s not exactly giving me a lot of room to argue.
“So what do you want us to do?” I snap. “Ignore our feelings, and hers?”
“Do whatever the fuck you want—fuck, if that’s what you want.” He glances at me over his shoulder. “But don’t delude yourself into thinking it’s anything more.”
“You said so yourself—it’s not that simple.”
“Make it that simple,” he growls. “You want my blessing, there it is. Take it or leave it.”
With that, he storms off, slamming the front door behind him. I stand in the wake of those bitter pheromones, mine and his, wondering how things got so fucked up. Micah and I were meant to talk to him. Meant to make him understand.
But somehow our head alpha is only getting further away.
I hear the tell-tale tinkering of Micah in the kitchen and find him hunched over the coffee machine. The guest bathroom is closed, the sound of running water filtering through.
“Well …” I sigh, leaning against the counter. “I’m sorry you had to hear that. But I’m glad Faith didn’t.” I scoff. “She might’ve actually punched him.”
Micah doesn’t turn around.
“You okay?” I smirk. “Tired, huh?”
It’s only when I see Micah reach for a mug—note the faint tremor in his hands—that my mood shifts. I quickly round the corner, putting a hand on his back.
“Hey, woah—what’s up? Did something happen last night?” I pause. “Besides the obvious.”
“Last night was perfect,” Micah tells me hoarsely. “She was perfect.”
“Okay.” I don’t let go, scared he might fall apart. “That’s amazing. I’m really happy for you.” I consider. “Kind of jealous, but hey, who wouldn’t be? Faith’s awesome, and sexy as hell, and—”
“I told her I love her.”
“I’m really sorry. I know we agreed to do this together, as a pack, but it all happened so fast, and it felt so right, that I … I just …”
My head is racing, my heart pounding faster just to keep up. “Holy shit, Micah, that’s—” I throw my arms around him, my inner alpha preening when I scent Faith’s spiced lavender goodness. “That’s huge.”
“She didn’t say it back,” he splutters, “but she was happy. I could tell it meant something to her.”
I grin. “Of course it did.”
For a second it feels like he’s about to relax, but instead he pulls away. “When I told Caleb, I … well, honestly, I was trying to force his hand. Make him take me seriously.” He darkens. “It didn’t go well.”
“He’s being stubborn. Grumpy fuck wants Faith as much as we do.”
Micah quirks a brow. “Is that why he told us to have sex with her while he’s out working?”
“No, I … I don’t know what that’s all about. He’s not himself.”
“He’s exactly himself.” Micah smiles grimly. “I think that’s the problem.”