Page 27 of Faith and Fury

I make sure she’s comfortable before going to the window, pushing it ajar. Poor thing probably needs some air.

“Try to take deep breaths, okay?” I advise. “I’m going to get you some water.”

I wait for her to nod in acknowledgement before hurrying into the kitchen. My phone is sitting on the counter.

Caleb needs to get back here. Right now.


I think Faith is going into pre-heat.

Almost immediately, I can see three dots pop up on the screen. I don’t have time to wait—our omega needs to hydrate.

I fill up a glass of water and rush back into the living room. My eyes instantly go to the couch, but she’s not there. She’s at the window, now cranked all the way open, reaching into the evening air.

The glass slips from my hand, shattering against the floorboards.

“Omega!” I shout.

Time seems to move in slow motion. I throw myself across the room, stomach lurching, head spinning, like I’m the one who’s falling. Better it be me than her. Anyone but her.

Please god, don’t let this happen again.

Then my arms are around her. I can taste my heart in my throat, beating viciously. She feels cold against me, like a ghost.

Or an angel.


“Are you Micah Wilder?”

I was. I am.

“She didn’t put down a first of kin, so we weren’t sure who else to call.”

I want to walk out of the emergency room and never come back. I know what’s about to happen. I know it’s going to break me.

“I’m so sorry, Doctor Wilder … I’m afraid she didn’t make it.”

Doctor. Is that what I am? It doesn’t seem right.

Not anymore.


The pain comes to me slowly, then in pieces.

It takes at least three more punches before I realize Faith is sitting on top of me. My instincts must’ve kicked in, at least—I’m blocking my face, protected from the worst of it. If she were more lucid right now, she’d probably be slashing my throat out.

But she’s not lucid.

She’s feral.

I try to sit up, but her thighs are pinned around my waist. I can’t free myself without grabbing her—and that didn’t exactly work out well last time.

“Holy fuck!”

Jaxon’s voice fills me with relief, but it’s Caleb’s bark that seals the deal.