No one engages. There might as well be crickets chirping.
“Woah.” Maverick stops. “This a bad time?”
The conversation ends, just as awkwardly as it began, when a nurse comes in to check Faith’s vitals. She announces her blood pressure is way up and strongly advises the rest of us fuck off so Faith can rest.
Though maybe not in those exact words.
“I’ll pull the car around,” Micah says to Maverick. “You, uh, need help getting downstairs?”
Maverick scoffs. “I’m not an invalid, Micah.”
“You broke two ribs,” I remind him, “and you’ve been stuck on your ass for four days.” I shoot Micah a fond look. “Let the poor guy fuss.”
My packmate blushes.
Still, standing in the hallway between me, Caleb, Micah, and Fang, Maverick must sense some major-league tension. He hesitates, glancing openly between us, before sucking his teeth.
“You know what? I just remembered, I still have some forms I need to sign.” He smiles at Micah. “Why don’t I meet you downstairs in ten, twenty, whatever?”
Micah blinks. “Are you sure?”
Maverick is already walking away. “Totally sure! Tell Faith I’ll catch her later.”
He disappears into the elevator, wagging his fingers at us until the doors close. A quiet growl sounds from Fang, bristling in his wheelchair.
“Your friend is a little too fond of Faith for my liking.”
I snort. “You and me both.”
Our eyes meet. I force myself not to look away, not backing down from this silent display of intimidation. He’s testing me, after all—if not for my own strength, then for the strength I can offer his omega.
“You know,” he says, turning his gaze to Caleb, “I can’t move in with you. At least …” his jaw hardens, “not right now.”
My heart sinks. “What,” I ask, “you don’t like us or something?”
“Jaxon,” Caleb murmurs.
“No,” Fang says, “I like you all fine. You’re … strong, and you take care of Faith.” He grips the arm of his wheelchair. “Make her happy.”
Micah inches forward, studying Fang’s expression. “Then what’s the issue? Whatever it is, I’m sure we can work something out. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, we all really—” he blushes, “really care about Faith. We’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you’re both comfortable.”
Fang smirks at him. “You’re worried, if I turn you down, she will, too.”
All of us stop. Faith was right—Fang is scary. I can never tell if he’s being genuine, or just trying to get under my skin.
“Yes,” Caleb answers at last. “We are.”
“Don’t be. She’ll say yes.”
My eyes widen. “What are you talking about?”
“You want to court her?” Fang shrugs. “She wants that too. I can tell.”
“H–how?” Micah chokes. “How could you know that?”
Only now does Fang’s teasing undertone fade away, replaced by something hard and certain. “Because she’s in love with you.”