Page 141 of Faith and Fury

Even for me, it’s hard to tell if he’s being sarcastic. I decide not to comment.

Faith signs again. We all look at her, then at Fang, waiting for him to translate.

He recites, “How’s Maverick? Isn’t he getting discharged today?”

That’s right. Maverick’s time in observation is up, much to his—and the entire ward’s—relief.

Micah nods. “I’m sure he’s signing his forms as we speak. I can go check on him, if you want? He could probably use a ride home.”

“No need,” I say, barely hiding my bitterness, “I’m sure this is the first place he’ll think to come.”

Caleb casts me a vaguely warning look. I ignore him. As far as I'm concerned, it’s in everyone’s best interests for me to act all petty and jealous with Maverick. At least I’m getting that energy out somewhere.

Fang inches his wheelchair even closer to Faith’s bed. He turns her wrist, trailing his fingers up and down her tendons. The scent that rolls off of her is so sweet, so perfect, I’m not even mad.

“Before he gets here,” Fang says, “there’s something I need to ask.”

My packmates and I go quiet. Even Faith seems confused, frowning ever-so-slightly.

Fang takes a breath. “I know I’ve still got a few days left in recovery, and Faith’s got even longer … but I want to know what the plan is.” His jaw tightens. “Once we’re out.”

She comes to live with us, obviously, I almost snap. And, I guess, he can come too. Even if it’s just to make sure I’m getting that happy omega scent every morning.

Thankfully Caleb answers, “That’ll be up to you and Faith. You’re very welcome to join us at our den—if you don’t mind the squeeze. Or we can find a supervisor for you.”

Fang scowls. “Not a refuge?”

“No. As a mated pair, you’ve been deemed … volatile. Not suited for refuges.”

Fang considers for a moment, then looks up at Faith. “I can put up with a supervisor, if that’s our only option.”

“Again,” I reiterate on my head alpha’s behalf, “that’s not your only option.”

“Wilder Den would be happy to have you,” Micah insists, looking at Faith, then Fang. “Both of you.”

Fang quirks an eyebrow. “Look, I know you guys took care of my mate while I was gone, but—in case it wasn’t clear—I’m back now. She doesn’t need to be leeching off someone else’s pack.”

At these words, Faith hangs her head.

So she told him about that. I sigh. Of course she did. As far as he knows, we want nothing to do with her. And, as far as we know, she wants nothing more to do with us.

“Except it wouldn’t be someone else’s pack,” Caleb rumbles, surprising all of us.

Faith’s head snaps back up.

Fang scowls. “What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about courting her,” Caleb says, matter-of-factly, “into Pack Wilder.”

It’s not Faith, or Fang, who react first. It’s me and Micah—our breaths catching, our jaws going slack. After everything that happened, racing to get Faith back, I assumed his feelings might’ve changed somewhat. But this is a complete three-sixty.

Rather than question it, my inner alpha purrs emphatically, proud to be a part of Caleb’s pack.

Seeing the tears in Faith’s eyes, Fang’s grip loosens. He sits back, giving her space to process. Probably giving himself space to process, as well.

Just as I think she’s about to say something, there’s a brash knock at the door.

Maverick waltzes in, waving his discharge forms like a trophy. “Hey, party people.” He grins. “Guess who just got a clean bill of health?”