“Micah,” he says, “what is it—you okay?”
Behind me, someone stirs—Jaxon sitting up on the couch.
I look Caleb dead in the eyes, noting the bloodshot veins, scenting his stress. He’s as lost as the rest of us, I realize, just doing what he can to keep us together. I was ready to back down and leave things in his hands, assuming I had run out of power.
But it’s not that simple. Not anymore.
I take a breath, my heart racing.
“We need to talk.”
The three of us return to our separate beds that night. It feels like we’re too nervous to share each other’s space, afraid of what we might give away.
Caleb agreed we can’t go on like this. He wants to protect me and Jaxon, not drive our pack apart. He even admits it was wrong of him to blame Faith in the first place. She might’ve been the catalyst, but we’re the ones who fell for her.
“If she wants to see us, even if it’s just to talk, we should honor that,” I argued.
“Without Maverick,” Jaxon put in, bluntly. “Smug prick just gets in the way.”
I decided not to remind him that, if not for Maverick, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation.
Caleb thought on it for a while before, begrudgingly, suggesting we catch up on neutral ground. At headquarters. Then he looked at me, realizing.
“I can do it,” I told him. “I’ll be fine.”
The words came easily when I spoke then, but now that I’m lying awake in Faith’s bed, staring up at the ceiling … I’m starting to doubt myself. I haven’t stepped foot in HQ since my breakdown. I remember how the walls felt, closing in. I remember how my mouth tasted of copper. I couldn’t breathe. Could barely speak, let alone treat my other patients.
I check my phone again, reviewing my final messages from Maverick.
Just got a text from Caleb. Guess you came through
Gotta admit - I’m a little disappointed.
But we’ll be there
That’s all the reassurance I need.
Chapter Fifty-Two
Maverick’s making pancakes. I know from my experience of Micah’s pancakes that these are pretty rough by comparison, but I appreciate the effort.
“Alright.” He claps his hands together. “Pancakes eaten. Meds taken. Get dressed—we’re headed out.”
I cock my head, reaching for his phone. OUT AGAIN?
He looks down. “Yup. I’ve got a surprise for you.”
“Just trust me, will you?”
I bite back my disdain. After everything Maverick has put up with since I got here, I can stand to give him the benefit of the doubt.