Page 7 of Grayson

But my idiotic mouth wanted nothing more than to fill the space.

“It’s just, this wedding... it’s... it’s exhausting.” I sighed, opening my eyes. Upon doing so, I noted Henry was staring at me, his hands gripping the steering wheel.

I raised my eyebrow at him in question, noting the blush that crept into his cheeks.

Blushing Henry in the front of my Porsche was not a bad sight.

In fact, it only aided in my inebriated thoughts of fantasy as I imagined myself straddling his lap, my ass backed up against the steering wheel, grinding myself against him. Biting those perfect lips and watching those cheeks pinken from my touch.

My cock twitched its approval of such a situation, but I was also dizzy and did not think I could make the move with enough sophistication at the moment as the room was still spinning.

“I can imagine, being as you’re actually in the wedding party,” he said.

“That’s not... that’s not what I meant.” I sighed. “It’s exhausting having to watch my younger sibling get her happy ever after, when I can’t have the same thing.” I forced myself to look away from the beautiful man in my car, if only because I feared with the uncharacteristic vulnerability I was expelling at the moment, I would fall over the edge and dive into woe is me territory.

Poor little rich kid, boo fucking hoo.

I did not pout over anything, or anyone for that matter. I was Grayson Sanderson. I was an absolute fucking diamond, and I knew my worth.

Henry spoke up, his voice even and smooth, like hot chocolate.

“I know the feeling. Not because of my sister. I mean, it’s like everyone else I know is off getting married and having kids, and buying houses, and I’m just like... I just want a stable job and a boyfriend and like, maybe a cat or something, you know?” Henry said, letting out a sigh.

I turned to look at him, feeling an almost magnet pull, a kindred spirit of sorts. I did know. I knew exactly how it felt to be the black sheep, to be the one off the beaten path. Or maybe it was the several martinis I’d had, making my stomach flip.

Either way, I had the strangest feeling that maybe, just maybe there was someone who understood me for once. And that was tempting. Too tempting, to fall into hope.

“You’re easy to talk to, you know that?” I said, feeling my heart catch in my throat.

Henry coughed as he broke my gaze, turning on the car.

“We... we should probably get you home,” he mumbled as he backed us up, and headed out onto the road.

My shoulders slumped as he looked away, hiding from my words. I got the feeling pretty little Henry didn’t get praised enough where it mattered.

Fucking pity.

“You, uh, do you still live at home with your parents, or...”

Shame fell over me immediately at his question, even though it wasn’t meant to be derogatory in any way.

My sister had moved out with Aaron pretty much as soon as they’d graduated. I’d moved out too, for a few years, but after mom had hip replacement surgery, I’d moved back to help her out around the house, and just never left. Even though I knew I could anytime, if I wanted.

Maybe I was waiting for the right man to come in and rescue me like a sad princess or something.

God, what is fucking wrong with me?

I meant to say ‘yes’ like a normal person, but instead all that came out of my mouth was, “I don’t have a home,” like I was some bridal vagrant.

“Well, how about you stay with me then? For tonight, I mean. It’s late, and you can figure out your next move in the morning?” He rushed the words, and I watched his jaw tense while he stared on at the road.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was flirting with me, but I knew the truth.

He was just being a Good Samaritan. Any man would have done the same, right?

