Page 6 of Grayson

“You are not driving anywhere under my watch, Grayson.”

Grayson scoffed, but he didn’t argue.

“You’d look pretty in my baby, baby,” he crooned, and I couldn’t help but blush. Even if his compliments were the babbles of a drunk man.

“So fucking pretty...”

I could have just left him there, went and got Max and told her he was being a pain in the ass and wouldn’t listen. Her tone alone could make a grown man cry and I had no doubt she could whip Grayson into submission easily.

And then I could go home, and Max would take care of everything, and...

But something in the look in Grayson’s eyes, amidst the drunken glaze, I saw something else, something that pulled at my own heartstrings.

It was the look I’d had when I felt like I couldn’t catch a damn break.

So, I did exactly what I should not do. I slid my phone in my back pocket, and I reached out to help him up.

“Okay, well, this train is leaving in five minutes, so you need get up.”

To my surprise, Grayson actually listened to me, rising to his feet. I stood, reaching out to stabilize him, and he fought me off initially.

“I don’t need—” Grayson bristled in my grasp, stumbling in the small space, but I caught him, my reflex almost instantaneous, as if I rescued drunk patrons on the regular.

“I need your keys,” I said as I settled my hand around his waist. I half expected him to flinch, but instead he eased up at my touch, relaxing against me as if his body couldn’t protest quite the way his mouth did.

“My left pocket,” he breathed, and I carefully slid my hand in, my fingers wrapping around the warm metal keyfob.

I took slow, measured steps, if only so he could keep up, garnering a look from Max as we stumbled side by side toward the door.



The familiar whirring of my car door locks sounded in my ears, mingling together with the warmth of Henry’s palm against my back. I could feel his heat through the silky fabric, and something about it made me feel relaxed. Relaxed enough that I wanted to curl against said warmth, but I was far too drunk to garner the control I wanted.

I’d fucked up. Royally. That was apparent. I said I’d stop for just one drink, but one turned into two, two turned into three...

It wasn’t that I wasn’t having a good time, but watching my sister and her fiancé, and even Lacey and Lane—the most annoying couple on the face of the planet—I couldn’t help but feel like a fuck up.

Why couldn’t I have a boyfriend who was head over heels for me?

Why were the men in my life always too afraid to come clean about who they were or just looking for a fuck around guy?

Why did I always fall for men who would shove me under the bus the first chance they got?

Was I that much of an asshole?

Henry helped ease me into my passenger seat, my head rolling back against the headrest. I groaned as the self-loathing thoughts permeated my brain. His hand slowly slid across my waist as he fastened me in. I couldn’t help but stare, with him up so close, noticing the finer features of his perfect, almost innocent looking face. The urge to reach out and run my hand through his dark hair was prevalent, and just as I moved to do so, he pulled away and I dropped my hand. He patted my seatbelt with approval, before shutting my door. It seemed like forever, the moment of pause between his shutting my door, and him getting in the driver’s seat, and I half wondered if he had changed his mind, and decided he was going to leave my drunken ass here.

When he folded himself into the driver’s seat, I couldn’t help but notice the curve of his ass fit nicely, almost as if he was made for it.

As if he was made for me...

I shook the hazy thoughts from my brain, resting my head against the headrest as I closed my eyes, my intoxicated thoughts making themselves known despite my best intentions.

“Do you ever just feel like... like everyone else is on some set path that you don’t have access to?” I said, completely not expecting Henry to respond to the words of a drunk asshole like myself.

“Yeah, I, uh... feel like that a lot, actually,” he said quietly. For a moment, we just sat there in the silence, and it was... nice.