Page 49 of Grayson

I wanted him so bad, it hurt.

“I want this,” I said as I kissed him, pulling his weight against me once more.

Between his kiss, his revelation, and his words, I was a goner.

And my cock was aching for release.

Which is probably why the next thing out of my mouth was shocking even to me, but I couldn’t deny that Grayson made me braver.

“I want you, on your knees.” I swallowed harshly, my gaze flashing to his as I focused on his amber eyes. I needed to look at him, or I was going to lose my nerve.

“W... with my dick in your mouth,” I managed to get the last part out without passing out.

Grayson didn’t miss a beat as he slid to the ground, taking my rock hard cock in his hand and making quite the show of licking off the precum that had formed on my head with his perfect, pink tongue.

Sweet lord, if he keeps this up I might not even make it into his mouth!

My legs shuddered as he took me in one movement to the back of his throat. A deep, unrelenting moan escaped me as my back arched off the shower walls, my hands seeking his wet, silky locks to grip, to ground myself. My eyelids fell closed as he rolled his tongue around my shaft, hollowing his cheeks, while I gripped his hair, pushing him down further, spurred on by ecstasy I didn’t even know I possessed.

A part of me worried I was going to choke him, but before I could pull back, Grayson slid his hands up my thighs, grabbing my ass as he pulled me closer, until I could hear the faintest gag from him.

I came without warning, hard and fast, my legs buckling beneath me and the only thing keeping me standing was Grayson’s deep groan as he swallowed me down.

I opened my eyes, hazily gazing down at him. The sight before me would have brought me to release if I had not already being in the midst of coming.

Grayson, naked before me, cock swollen and gleaming, his perfect pouty lips stuffed with my cock and my release dripping down his chin with saliva and shower water.

I eased my grip on his hair, trying to catch my breath. When he was finished, and I had started to soften, he stood, bringing me close for a rather sloppy, salty kiss.

I’d never tasted myself before, and certainly never on anyone else.

But I didn’t hate it.

In fact, I found myself melting into his arms against the wall, my hands sliding in his hair once more as our tongues tangoed together.

When we broke away, Grayson laughed as he grabbed the shower gel, lathering his hands together, instructing me to turn around once more. His hands felt so good as he lathered my body, and the hot steam was relaxing. I almost felt like I could just curl up in bed once more and fall asleep. But that wasn’t on the itinerary.

“We’re going to be late for the wine festival,” I exclaimed as all my faculties returned to earth.

“Oh hush. We will not be late. Everyone else will just be early,” Grayson teased, sudsing my hair with shampoo.

I tilted my head back, running my hands through to wash it out, turning around once more to look at him, and do the same to him.

Maybe it was his use of the word we, or maybe it was just that I was accustomed to self-sabotage, but with my emotions and boundaries all over the place with Grayson, I felt a sting of panic.

“Um, Grayson... can I... can I ask you something?” I said, working up the lather of the shower gel across his solid pecs.

“Anything,” he said almost so softly, I barely heard him.

I got the feeling that Grayson wasn’t the type to get soft and warm, and that made what I was going to ask all the more difficult. But I wasn’t as quick to wear my heart on my sleeve, and I wasn’t exactly a spontaneous, go-with-the-flow guy.

“Can we... can we just keep this... us... between us, for now?” I asked hesitantly, worried I was going to destroy this perfect moment.

But with my head back on right, I knew it was best to set firm boundaries now so my heart wouldn’t be broken later.

I understood Grayson was attracted to me. Hell, he’d made that abundantly clear by that point, and I was more than open to exploring what was happening between us, but until I had a firm grip on my feelings, I wanted to keep things private.

Relationships are between the people in the relationship, after all, and when things don’t work out, or something happens, it’s a lot easier to control the damage.