Page 47 of Grayson

Grayson had more than called me out on my flighty behavior, at the fact that the closer he got, the more I pulled away.

But I couldn’t help it. The last person I let get close to me...

He cheated on me.

The entire time we were together.

I knew it was irrational to think just because I’d had one bad apple meant the whole orchard was bad, even with the fact it had been years at this point since we ended our engagement and broke up. But the whole experience changed me.

Putting myself out there, trying to find someone else, even a rebound, just didn’t sit right with me. I’d thought I loved my ex, and that was why I was so devastated, so affected.

But as I lay there wrapped in Grayson’s warm arms, staring at his beautiful face, I wondered if I ever really knew love at all.

Because the way Grayson looked at me, the way he touched me... and the way he let his guard down around me... it was impossible not to fall in love with him.

The realization scared me, but it also invigorated me.

I leaned into his soft kiss, relishing in the taste of his tongue on mine, letting my hands travel over the solid surface of his chest, up his neck until my fingers tickled the edge of his hairline.

“Good morning,” I breathed into his kiss.

My cock twitched as Grayson tugged me closer, thrusting his morning wood against mine with a deep groan.

Just as I contemplated a replay of the previous night, a knock sounded on the door, making me flush me with fresh panic. In the daytime, the domes were like large windows, which meant whoever was at the door, could likely see us. My entire body rushed with heat as we broke apart, Grayson only smirking at me as he swung his legs out of the bed.

“I, uh... think I’m gonna hit the shower,” I said, coughing, if only to try and dispel the insecurity I felt at the moment.

I stumbled out of bed awkwardly, thanks to the maddening erection that was more than disappointed that our morning interlude had been cut short. I wasted no time disrobing once I was behind the partition and the glass sanctity of the shower, turning on water. Though I opted for warm water only because it was rather cold in the dome. I’d barely had time to get adjusted to the warmth before the door opened to reveal a rather jaw-dropping vision of Grayson.

Completely naked.

My gaze dropped immediately from his gorgeous face to his dick, which he held in his hand, his thumb lazily stroking his head.

My gaze flashed up to his sexy eyes, to his smirk.

“Now, where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?” he said as he stepped into the shower with me.

I couldn’t move.

For starters, the shower itself wasn’t that big. Sure, it was big enough we both could fit, but we couldn’t both be under the showerhead at the same time.

Not to mention, it was one thing to touch Grayson’s dick, but it was quite another to see him stroking his own erection in front of me as he watched me with a lustful gaze that only made my cock throb.

Grayson must have read my silence as a lack of consent, because immediately his eyebrows furrowed, and he dropped his hand.

“Unless I just interrupted you,” he said cautiously.

And that snapped me out of my daze for some reason. I hated to see Grayson disappointed, which didn’t make sense to me at the time.

I took one slow step forward, then another, until I was chest to chest with him and his back was flat against the shower wall. The squeak of his flesh against the glass echoed in the small space.

I reached out, trailing my hand over his hip as I stared at him, hoping he could understand.

I wanted Grayson.

More than I think I could comprehend at the time.

“You aren’t interrupting me,” I whispered, watching as the water fell down over his skin in crystal clear rivulets.