Page 20 of Grayson

“It’s not what you think, I promise.”

Max laughed. “Better not be. I ain’t running an escort service, sweetheart.”

I rolled my eyes. “Besides, I already put my foot in my mouth,” I murmured as she slid me the drink.

“Too bad, so sad. Hey, those days you put in for, you got ‘em.”

My blood chilled.

“I... what?” I wasn’t entirely sure I heard her correctly, and my panic button was already at an all-time high.

Max cleared her throat, obviously taking my shock as I didn’t hear her. And instead she all but yelled, “Those days for the big wedding trip this weekend. You got ‘em. Go spend the weekend with your friends and make sure you have a glass on me!”

My cheeks flushed and I hurriedly grabbed Grayson’s drink, caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.

I all but threw his drink at him because I was so agitated over everything that happened.

It truly was the worst fucking day ever.

“Should probably tell your boss you’re not spending your time with a bunch of yuppies,” he drawled as he took a sip. “I thought about mentioning it to your sister, but...”

I huffed indignantly. “Are you legit blackmailing me into going on a trip?” I asked, my neck aching from all the whiplash.

I watched as he sipped his drink, his lips shimmering with fresh moisture from the alcohol.

Lips that looked far too tempting...

No, Henry!

I watched as he slid his hand in his pocket, pulling his phone out, and I panicked.

Sue me.

I lunged for his phone, not needing him to tattle on me like a grade-schooler to my sister of all people, my stupid, senseless jabberings.

The motion pushed his chair back, pitching me into his lap haphazardly, our faces only inches from one another. He gazed down at me, raising an eyebrow, his smirk more than amused.

Up close like this, the heat between us was undeniable. I should have known then that I would be a goner when it came to Grayson. The man knew just how to press my buttons.

I fought to regain my composure, knowing there were multiple eyes on us. Including Maxine’s.

“Do not say a word about this... to my sister.”

“Or what? Hmmm? What will you do, Henry?” He grinned, and I realized he liked this.

He liked playing with me and my emotions.

Because he truly was an asshole.

And I was at a disadvantage, and he knew that.

“Giselle and Mia will be so happy to hear you are coming,” he taunted as I righted myself, brushing off my apron with a huff.

The prevalent need, the desire, to do as this man said was like someone had lobotomized me.

I’d never wanted to obey someone’s demands—albeit outlandish demands—so badly.

Maybe there really was something wrong with me.