Page 11 of Grayson

Grayson nodded. “Yes, I’m fine, I just....”

“What, Jasper Springs Market ain’t good enough for you?” I asked, raising my eyebrow.

Why the fuck did I just say that?

I never was this brash, this upfront with anyone!

Grayson flipped some dark hair out of his eyes, the motion drawing attention to his slender neck, his perfectly sinuous shoulders, his toned, pale arms.

“I mean... yes. To the cream. And two sugar cubes,” he said poignantly.

I couldn’t help but laugh as I opened the slender cabinet yet again, pulling out two slim cane sugar packets.

“Well, hopefully this will be good enough. I call it ‘deconstructed sugar cube’,” I said, flashing him a smirk as I passed him the packets.

He took them out of my fingers, his long ones brushing mine in transfer. His touch was soft, warm, and I liked it.

Stupidly, I wished I could hold onto it a little longer, but I knew I needed to put all those thoughts—about him, about me, and whatever weird tension had somehow built between us—out of my brain.

I hurriedly finished up with the coffee, sliding him his mug as I manned the stove. I tossed the bread in the toaster oven, and for a moment with everything going, I paused to take a sip of my coffee, noticing once again Grayson was staring at me.

“I should go,” he said, though he made no move to set down his mug. In fact, his hand gripped it tighter, and I could see the steam wafting in the air, contrasted by his shirt.

“You should eat something first. Can’t let you go on an empty stomach, after all.”

“If you insist,” he said, straightening his posture as if he was challenging me to a dual or something.

I gripped my own coffee, letting the warmth spread from my fingertips.

The toast popped up, breaking the odd tension, and I set my coffee down, gesturing for my guest to sit at the island, amidst the mess he’d made as he tore everything out of my cupboards looking for his beloved espresso.

“Order up,” I said as I plated his food.

Something passed between us as I stood beside him, only inches away. I set his plate in front of him, but his gaze held me still like I was truly the prey, and he was a vicious hunter.

My cock stood at attention, liking the heat of being on the spot as he pinned me there with his dark, amber gaze.

Bad idea, Henry.

Bad, bad fucking idea.

Just walk away now and no one gets hurt.

Especially you.

I swallowed harshly as I backed away, if only to break the spell that had formed between us. Maybe Grayson wasn’t the only one hungover.

Hungover on pretty rich boys who smell like heaven and look like a goddamn wet dream sitting in my kitchen.

“Thanks,” he said as I slid him a fork, going about to fixing my own meal.

We ate in silence. Awkward, charged silence. Thankfully, Grayson ate his breakfast and sucked down his coffee rather quickly, and before I’d even finished my own cup of coffee, he was walking toward the door.

“Well, this has been lovely and all, Henry, but I believe I have overstayed my welcome,” he said.

“Grayson, wait...” I said, feeling a bit like an asshole. I didn’t want him to stay, but I also didn’t want him to leave.

Grayson stopped just before the door, as I caught up to him.