“I’d advise you not to ask,” says Dima, following in right behind Fedor. He drops a file on my desk. “The new HR rulebook to be distributed globally. We’ll need translations for some locations.”

"Thank you, Dima. You're a lifesaver," I reply, genuinely grateful for his assistance. We've come a long way since we first met, and his recent willingness to support me has not gone unnoticed.

"We're a team now, after all," he says with a small smile before he and Fedor depart, leaving me to take a moment to collect my thoughts.

It's not easy managing hundreds of global clubs simultaneously, but working alongside Nikolai's siblings—Fedor, Dima, and Sofia—has made it much more manageable. Over time, we've developed a rapport, and they seem to be warming up to me.

"Anoushka, a word?" Sofia asks, knocking softly on the doorframe from the adjoining office room.

"Of course, come in," I say, motioning for her to sit down.

Before Sofia can utter a single word, the main door to my office door bursts open, and Boris, Damien, and Lev storm inside, their faces etched with anger and concern.

"Anoushka, what the hell is going on here?" Boris demands, his arms crossed tightly across his chest.

"Brothers, please, calm down. What's gotten into you?" I ask, trying to diffuse the tension.

"Word reaches us that you're running these clubs by yourself, Anoushka. We won't stand for this," Damien interjects, his jaw clenched.

"Are you blaming me for doing my job?" I ask incredulously. "Nikolai entrusted me with these clubs, and I'm making sure they thrive."

Lev slams his fist on the desk in anger. "We made sure Nikolai got those business ventures abroad so we could spend time with you, not so you could work yourself to death," he reveals, his eyes flashing with frustration. “We haven’t seen you in almost a month!”

His words hit me like a slap. Is it true? Did my brothers orchestrate Nikolai's long absences just to keep us apart?

"Wait… you were behind him leaving?" I ask, a mixture of surprise and indignation bubbling within me.

"Of course we were," Boris admits, looking slightly ashamed. "We just wanted you to be happy. And here, we find that he’s been working you like a slave?"

Rage wells up inside me. How dare they meddle in my marriage, in my life?

"Let me make one thing clear," I say, standing up and asserting myself. "I appreciate your concern, but I am more than capable of handling these responsibilities. This is my choice, and I enjoy it. I asked to learn more about his business, and he did as his wife asked. Now, this is my family club, and we’re in the middle of a work night. And you are disturbing my flow," I say rather furiously toward the end.

My brothers exchange uneasy glances before finally relenting. "Look, Anoushka. We just don’t want you to take on a burden that’s not yours to bear,” says Damien rather cautiously.

I stare at each one in his eyes. “It’s not a burden if I enjoy myself. And guess what? I love it here. I love working with Nikolai and his brothers. Next time, please don’t demean me by insinuating I don’t know what’s best for me.”

“We… we didn’t mean to,” Boris says at last, while Lev almost gapes at me.

“We just wanted to say hello,” says Damien rather sheepishly, which is quite rare for him.

Together, the three file out in a singular touch.

As I watch my brothers leave, their shoulders hunched in defeat, a whirlwind of emotions stirs within me. Relief washes over me for standing my ground, but I can't help feeling a tinge of guilt for the harshness in my voice. Torn between gratitude and anger, I sigh and lean back against my desk, letting my fingers trace the wood's intricate carvings.

“Anoushka?” I hear the door creak open from the adjoining office. Damn it. I’d completely forgotten Sofia was trying to ask something just before.

"I overheard your conversation with your brothers," she admits, her eyes searching mine for any sign of resentment. When I don't interject, she continues, "I was wrong about you. I’m glad Nikolai has you.”

From Sofia, this is as close to an I love you.

Her words touch my heart, and I feel a warmth spread through my chest as I give her a smile. For the first time, she returns it brightly. "Thank you, Sofia," I say softly, offering her a genuine smile. "Nikolai is an important part of my life now, and I would never do anything to harm him or any of you."

"Good." Sofia crosses the room and places a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I hope we can become allies now, Anoushka. I haven’t been fair to you always. We're sisters now, after all."

"Allies," I reply with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. "Yes. It's better to work together than against each other."

Sofia nods, a smile blooming on her face as we share a newfound understanding. After a brief discussion on the event line-up for the following week, she leaves me alone with my thoughts.