"Thank you," she says, swallowing hard before continuing. "I wanted to talk to you about Fedor's affair. I overheard him mention her husband’s name, Demetrius, and I thought you should know that our family knows him. I didn’t know Yelena, but my brothers have mentioned her husband a few times. He’s a dangerous man, Nikolai. And I think you truly ought to warn Fedor because things could get ugly if Demetrius finds out.”
My jaw clenches involuntarily at the mention of my brother's infidelity. I appreciate her warning, but it only serves to fuel the anger simmering beneath the surface. Anger at the fact that she’s here at the behest of my family, who mistreated her so tonight, and not for me, who needs her like an addict needs drugs.
"Please don't tell anyone I told you," she pleads, genuine concern etched across her face. "I just… I've seen how these things can tear families apart, and I didn't want that to happen to yours."
Her sincerity and willingness to go out of her comfort zone for the sake of my family touches something deep within me. I nod, assuring her, "Your secret is safe with me, Anoushka. Thank you for bringing this to my attention."
"Good night, Nikolai," she whispers, giving me a small smile before turning to leave. I watch her retreat down the hallway, her footsteps echoing softly against the marble floor.
"Wait, Anoushka," I call out impulsively. She stops and looks back at me, curiosity in her eyes. "Would you like to come in? Just to talk, I promise."
For a brief moment, I think she might accept my invitation. But then she shakes her head, her expression unreadable. "Thank you, but I should get some rest. Good night, Nikolai."
"Good night," I echo, closing the door as she disappears around the corner. Sleep, however, proves elusive. Thoughts of Anoushka consume my mind—her bravery, her fire, her vulnerability. And how goddamn sexy she looked in that baby doll nightgown.
Chapter 10 - Anoushka
Last night, the last person on my mind before I slept was Nikolai. I slept fitfully, having strange dreams, his words echoing in my head. Over the past few weeks, since we got married, there are some things he said and did which are permanently etched in my mind.
This morning, as I sit at the breakfast table alone, already dressed, I think about those things. Take last night, for example; he quietly supported me against his siblings' scrutiny. He might not know this, but I saw the warning looks he sent Sofia’s way and noticed how he acknowledged and laughed along when I gave a befitting reply.
Beyond that, I think back to the day at my office. After, in the car, during our argument, he told me what he wants is not domination but a chance. He deserves that much.
I sigh and put down my coffee, rubbing my forehead between my fingers. Have I been too closed off? From where I sit, despite thinking the worst of him, he’s only shown the best… well, mostly. I smile wryly. The man is not without his faults. He can be dominating, protective, and annoying as hell. And yet, he’s respected each decision of mine. He’s offered but never pushed us to share a room. He waits for me to decide if I want to spend time with him.
He watches from the sidelines patiently.
So maybe, after all this, I can still give him a chance?
Just then, Nikolai walks in, distracting me from my thoughts. I watch, transfixed, as he registers my presence and stands in front of me in that impeccable suit, his shirt unbuttoned at the top, loose tie. His hair flops over his forehead, and his brown eyes bore into me, piercing through my heart. My hands shake as I place down the coffee cup, and looking at him now, I’m reminded of how I called him hot last night.
It was meant to be a joke. But was it really? Hell no. He’s so damn fucking hot.
“Good morning… ?” he questions, noticing my dazed look.
I startle and blink my eyes, clearing my throat. “G… good morning.”
“What plans for the day?” he asks, grabbing a plate and sitting next to me. I watch as he proceeds to pop a blueberry in his mouth. God damn it. His mouth.
“Anoushka?” he raises an eyebrow.
“Sorry,” I shake my head. “I was thinking, Boris has given me a day off. I don’t want to sit around all day.”
“Uh-huh,” he grabs a paper, and begins to flick through it. “The driver can take you out shopping, or something, if you’d like.”
“Or,” I suggest cautiously, knowing that once I say what I’m about to say, it’ll be hard to take a step back. Nevertheless, last night showed me he’s on my team. Perhaps today, I can show him I could be on his.
The dilemma now is whether to accept his request to help out at his nightclub. There are certainly risks involved, like how if I happen to be near him, I’m going to have to try very, very hard to make sure I don’t rip his clothes off and tip the scales on this already precarious relationship. The potential benefits? I could learn more about the family business and perhaps even gain some respect from other members of his family.
Considering how the benefits outweigh the risks, I dive right in. “I was thinking that maybe you could take me along to La Fantasia. Show me how the place works?”
His eyes widen in surprise, and then a slow smile spreads across his face, making him look even more handsome, if that's even possible. "Really?" he asks, clearly pleased by my decision. His happiness is almost contagious, and I can't help but feel a sense of excitement building within me.
"Really," I confirm, trying to sound confident.
Besides, it can’t be that hard keeping my hands off him now, can it?