Page 2 of Bratva Daddies

They probably don’t want to ruin their tens of thousands of dollars worth of dresses.

The snack looks like a powdered donut of some sort, but tastes nothing like it. The pastry practically melts on my tongue, and I find myself quickly grabbing another one before thinking twice about it.

Once it’s gone, I face Sienna. “I didn’t know you knew how to bake something like this.”

“I don’t.” She shrugs. “I made most of the hand sandwiches. Some other baker must have made these.”

“I think you should become a baker.”

I debate grabbing another one, until a woman comes over to us. “Eat too many of those, and you won’t keep that figure.” I look at her. She’s extremely short with long, black hair cascading down her back and amber-colored eyes I can see through her mask. Even underneath the mask, I can see her delicate features. “I may not look it now, but two years ago those marjolaines went straight to my thighs.” She laughs, and I join in.

“I can see how. They’re addicting.”

“Oh, I know. It took me forever to shed the sixty pounds from those things. Heartbreaks and sweets are not a girl’s best friend.”

She can say that again.

“I can’t imagine you fat,” Sienna comments.

The girl beams and spins around, showing off the short, light-pink, fluffy dress she’s wearing. “That’s a compliment.” She sticks her hand out. “Colette Garnier.”

Is that French? I shake it. “I’m Annalise, and this is Sienna.”

“Sienna,” Colette repeats. “Whitlock? Your father’s the software engineering company president, right?”

Sienna opens her mouth to say something, but anxiety rushes to her features again. I answer for her. “No, not that one. Her father’s foreign.” Colette looks like she’s about to ask something else, so I’m quick to change the subject. “Your dress is beautiful, Colette.”

It works. She looks down at it. “I’m glad you think so.” Her eyes connect with mine again. “Nobody else here really likes it. The heirs are so, well, boring and never want to have any fun. I’m glad that I met you guys. Now, I don’t stick out like a sore thumb.”

She thinks she sticks out like a sore thumb? What would she say if she found out that Sienna and I probably don’t even have three thousand dollars in our bank accounts between the two of us? Would she still think we’re fun?

Colette gasps. “Oh mon Dieu, regarde ce beau mec.” Definitely French. Even though I don’t understand her words, I find myself looking in the same direction she is…and in front of me has to be one of the sexiest men, if not the sexiest man, I’ve ever laid my eyes on.

I can’t make out his full features, but it doesn’t change my opinion. His skin is a very light and warm brown, and he has black facial hair along his jaw and underneath his nose. His hair is short with the faintest curls lingering in it. His eyes are a prominent, deep blue, and his smile…it makes me want to melt into a million different pieces.

“Nikhil Volkov,” Colette says. “That man is just delicious.”

I couldn’t agree more.

“Single?” I ask, the word tumbling out before I can stop myself.

“Don’t you keep up with the magazines?” Colette asks. “He and his girlfriend broke off their engagement like a year ago, and he hasn’t batted an eyelash in any woman’s direction since.”

“A man like that can get any woman he wants.” Even Sienna is drawn to him, which says a lot considering she was just cheated on.

“I wish he’d want me.” Colette sighs and rolls her eyes. “Is he coming over here?”

It looks like Nikhil is making his way right toward us. I take a step back, thinking he’s coming for Colette, but he actually stops right in front of me.

I can feel my heart stop for a fraction of a second. He’s close enough to me that I can smell him. It’s almost earthy, but alluring. “I’ve never seen you before.” His voice is deep and masculine. I can feel Colette and Sienna staring at me.

Calm down. “How would you know?” I ask, my voice as steady as I can make it. “I’m wearing a mask.”

“Take it off.” There’s an authoritative hint to his words. My body naturally reacts, wanting to do as he asks, however I fight against it.

“That’d ruin the entire point of a masquerade ball, don’t you think?”

Nikhil stares at me, and I find myself getting lost in his green eyes. They’re different from anything else I’ve ever seen before, and I feel…trapped. He doesn’t say anything for a second, just stares at me, eyes flitting across the room, particularly to all the women watching us.