Page 30 of Bratva Daddies

If there’s one thing about our family that can’t be disputed, it’s that we put each other first, no matter what. Blood means everything.

Annalise may not realize it now, but she’s now a part of that.

The outdated apartment complex looms before us, its exterior a stark contrast to what I’ve grown used to. The peeling paint and cracked windows seem to cry out in desperation, but I bite my tongue and say nothing.

Annalise catches the way that I stare and whispers, “It’s really not so bad.”

I beg to differ.

“Home sweet home,” she murmurs wryly, fishing her keys out of her purse. She stops before she opens it and turns around to look at me. “You have to promise me you won’t hurt them.”

“I already di?—”

“Again,” she pleads. “I need to hear the words again. These girls are my life, and if anything were to happen to them, Cassius…”

This is the first time that she’s ever said my name. I like the way it sounds coming from her lips.

I crave the chance to hear it more.

“I promise, Annalise.”

She nods and blows out a breath, thinking for just a moment. She’s lucky that it’s me standing here and not one of my older brothers. They would have grown impatient and pushed past her already, but all I can think about is how my mother would have done the exact same thing for me.

The door creaks as she pushes it open, revealing a small, dimly lit hallway. Her emerald eyes flicker with nervousness as she steps inside with me following close behind her.

The flickering light above our heads casts eerie shadows on the walls of Annalise’s apartment. It’s a little bit better on the inside, but not by much. The wallpaper is peeling, and the floors are old.

My girls won’t be here much longer.

“Where are they?” I ask.

“Um, they’re with Sienna,” she says hesitantly, her eyes darting toward a closed door down the hallway.

As if on cue, the door opens, revealing a tall, slender woman with short auburn hair. Her warm brown eyes widen in surprise at my presence, fear quickly replacing the initial shock.

“Who is he, Lily?” Sienna asks, her voice shaking slightly, but even as she asks the question, I can tell that she knows a little bit of the truth by the way she has the decency to appear frightened.

I wonder how she’d act if either of my brothers were here. They’re much more terrifying than I am.

“Sienna, this is Cassius,” Annalise responds, her hand gripping mine for support. Sienna doesn’t bother to ask anymore questions. She knows about me, which only seems to make her more fearful.

“He wants to see the twins?”

Annalise nods, and the two seem to have some kind of eye communication going on. “He’s not here to hurt them, I promise.”

I can see the internal struggle play out on Sienna’s face, torn between her loyalty to Annalise and her instinct to protect the twins.

Finally, she nods and opens the door wider, allowing us access to the room.

“Please,” Annalise whispers to me, her eyes pleading right before we step in. “My daughters can’t be caught up in this. Your brothers…they can’t know the truth.”

“Alright,” I concede, my voice low and steady. “I won’t tell my brothers for now, but understand this—I won’t be able to keep this secret forever.” I look her in the eyes, making sure she understands how serious I am. “Eventually, the truth will come out.”

She swallows hard, her gaze not leaving mine, and simply nods her head. With that, she turns and walks into the room.

I have never wanted children. It goes against what my family stands for, but I knew I was the only brother who had a chance of getting away with it. Damian, being the oldest, has to produce an heir. Nikhil, being the second son, needs to stay as the backup and create a family of his own.

But me…? I know the truth. My brothers aren’t dumb enough to end up dead, which means I’ll never have the burden of being head of the family. As much as my father would have disagreed with my decision not to father children, he’s not here to do anything about it.