Page 11 of Bratva Daddies

As I turn to walk away, he calls after me, “You can’t blame a guy for trying, Anna! I won’t give up!” His words make me laugh. Maybe he would stop trying if he knew my little secret. But that’s something I’m not willing to share with him—or anyone else, for that matter.

A very small number of people know my secret, and I intend to keep it that way. It’s safer like that, especially now that I’m back…

I stride down the hallway until I’m in front of the familiar door. I yank the key from my pocket and unlock the door before pushing it open.

The moment I step inside, I hear the soft pitter-patter of feet as Gina and Franny rush toward me. “Mommy!” they squeal in unison, throwing their little arms around my legs. My heart swells with love as I bend down to scoop them both up, hugging them against my chest.

I’ve never loved anything more than my two little secrets.

“Did you two have fun today?” I ask, my voice full of warmth and affection. I haven’t seen them all day, and I actually missed them desperately.

“Uh-huh!” Gina nods vigorously, her deep blue eyes sparkling with excitement. “Sienna let us paint pictures and make cookies!”

“Paint and make cookies!” I repeat with excitement in my voice, which just makes them even more excited.

“Yes! I like Auntie Sienna.” Franny smiles.

Franny and Gina look almost identical except for their eye color. While Gina has a deep blue, Franny’s eyes are gray and she has a face full of freckles. They’re starting to look more like their dads.

Dads who don’t have a clue that they exist.

“I mean, what’s not to like?” Sienna grins as she emerges from the kitchen while I close the front door.

“Sounds like they had a great day,” I comment. I’d been a bit worried about Sienna watching them because she doesn’t have a lot of childcare experience, but it sounds like everyone had a nice time.

“Speaking of great days,” Sienna says with a playful grin on her face. “Who knew babysitting two adorable little tornadoes could be so…exhilarating?”

Tornadoes is definitely the right word.

“Oh, it’s fun, tell me about it.” The girls start moving in my arms, and I set them down.

“It’s still so hard to believe you’re a mother,” Sienna adds. “But, it suits you so well. You have a real homesteader look.”

I snort, frowning at her. “I can’t keep a garden alive to save my life. I’m happy the girls are more artistic than I am.”

“They’re more artistic than I am too.”

“I’ve seen your stick figures. I’d leave it to them.”

Sienna scrunches her nose up at me and makes a funny face. To say that she isn’t artistic is a bit of an understatement. “Alright, little monsters,” Sienna announces, clapping her hands together. “Why don’t you show your mom the masterpieces you made today?”

“Okay!” Franny exclaims, grabbing her sister’s hand and leading her toward their makeshift art studio in the corner of the living room. Sienna really has been doing everything possible to make this little apartment feel like a home for all of us.

The apartment is nothing special, but I’m grateful for it nonetheless. Sienna didn’t have to let us stay here while I try to save up for our own place, but I love the fact that she’s willing to do anything to help now that I’m back in town.

I look at the girls’ art, smiling as they show me every piece, almost bouncing up and down with excitement.

“Mommy, this is macaroni, and I didn’t even eat it!” Gina calls out, showing me another page which makes me laugh.

“Can we use the cotton balls to make something else?” Franny asks.

“Yes, girls, you can.”

The girls chatter away, their minds jumping from one thing to the other, as they start doing something else with the cotton balls.

I back up to where Sienna is standing. “Sienna,” I begin, “I can’t thank you enough for letting us stay here. And for your support…it means the world to me.” My voice catches slightly with emotion, but I quickly compose myself.

“Hey, what are friends for?” Sienna replies, flashing me a reassuring smile. “Besides, I couldn’t have you and the girls out on the streets now could I?”