“Lead the way.”
We take the subway back to Brooklyn, then walk. And with every street, Sutton becomes quieter.
His eyes move over the rows of buildings on either side of us. I’ve always liked how green Prospect Heights is. There are so many trees on the streets, which makes the whole neighborhood seem more inviting somehow. I’ve always loved it, and I’m very aware that without Remy and Jordan, I’d never be able to afford living here. I don’t even pay rent, just contribute to utilities and things like that, but it’s peanuts considering what most places cost around these parts.
“It’s just around the corner,” I say.
Somehow, Sutton gets even quieter, which is a real feat seeing that he hasn’t really said a word since we got off the subway.
A minute later, I stop in front of Remy’s townhouse.
Sutton stares at the place and doesn’t move a muscle, like some sort of extremely handsome statue. He must really be exhausted.
When I put my hand on his shoulder, he jerks in surprise, then blinks at me rapidly like I’ve just woken him up.
“Whoa.” I laugh.
“Sorry,” he says. “Sorry.” He glances at the house again before rubbing his palm over his face. “I’m fucking beat.” He pauses a second, before continuing on. “So this is where you live,” he says, sounding a bit more like himself again.
I nod and go up the stairs. I’ve already opened the door when I realize he’s not behind me anymore. I glance over my shoulder.
“Coming?” I ask.
The guy slowly thaws from his frozen state.
“Yeah,” he says, and starts to move.
I let him in before me, and we toe off our shoes in the hallway.
“I’m home,” I call out.
“Kitchen,” Jordan bellows from the back of the house.
I find Jordan by the counter, tossing a salad, Theo stirring something at the stove, and Remy setting the table.
“Am I allowed back inside?” I ask.
“On a trial basis.” Jordan doesn’t look up from his task. “But the moment I see you trying to dust anything you’re out again.”
“Deal,” I say. “Do we have room for one more?”
They all look up at once, which is kind of an obvious sign that I’m so much of a friendless loser that they all have to stare like I’ve just announced I’m joining a nudist colony.
“This is Sutton,” I say.
They stare.
In all fairness, props to Theo. He waves and goes back to his stirring, but Remy and Jordan stare.
Sutton steps farther into the room and extends his hand toward Remy.
“It’s nice to meet you,” he says.
“Yes,” Remy says slowly. “Nice to meet you.”
The exact same song and dance repeats almost verbatim with Jordan.