Page 43 of Maybe You

“We can’t do this,” he finally says.

I frown before I throw the mess of covers out of the way and knee-walk to the side of the bed.

“Uh-huh,” I say. “I hear what you’re saying, and here’s my counteroffer. We can.”

He curses out loud and starts to pace. I follow him with my eyes while he does it.

“I don’t get the problem,” I say after it becomes clear that he’s too busy cursing to stop and explain himself. “You said you wanted to fuck me. Well, here I am. Ready to be fucked.”

He stops his pacing and rubs his palms over his face before he raises his eyes toward the ceiling, still muttering something. He takes a deep breath before he turns to face me.

“You’re drunk,” he says.

“Not drunk,” I argue. “Just fun.”

“Drunk,” he repeats.

It’s my turn to cross my arms over my chest. “Is this you being a gentleman again?”

He lets out a bark of laughter. “Unbelievably, yes. Clearly, you bring out the absolute worst in me.”

“Well, stop then. You don’t have to be. Here. This is me, giving you official permission to stop being a gentleman. In fact, I encourage you not to be one.”

“Christ!” he snaps, and if he keeps pressing his fingertips against his eyes like that, he’s going to gouge them out soon. He seems to reach the same conclusion because he stops and whirls around to face me. “We’re not going to do anything tonight but sleep. Okay?”

“But I want you,” I protest. “And I want to fuck. Right now.”

“I so better get karma points for all eternity for this,” he mutters before he turns his attention back to me. “No. If we’re going to do this, then we’re going to do this only when you’re stone cold sober and fully aware of what you want from me.”

He glares at me like he’s expecting me to argue. I glare back.

I do open my mouth to protest, but he stops me with a fierce look.

“I am not going to be anybody’s regret, least of all yours. Capiche?” he says.



The arguments die somewhere on the back of my tongue once I realize… He’s taking care of me.

It’s sweet.


But sweet.

“Okay,” I say.

His shoulders drop from their tense position.

“Okay,” he echoes.

I go back to my side of the bed, and he gets in on his.

He turns off the light, and with some shuffling around, we both settle in.

“Night,” he says after a little bit.