“Hi.” Ethan grins at her. “Let me guess. Taking advantage of the engineering library’s opening hours?”
“Why do they close ours at midnight?” She holds her arms out. “I should start a petition.”
“You do have a lack of worthwhile causes to support and too much time on your hands,” Ethan says. She sends him a mock scowl and pushes at his shoulder while he chuckles.
The two of them look at each other, and I haven’t felt so much like a third wheel in a long while.
Are they dating? Flirting?
I’m not sure, but that doesn’t stop me from taking the two of them in and feeling like crap while I’m at it. She’s very pretty and clearly interested in Ethan, judging by the way she only has eyes for him.
I shouldn’t care. It’s been two years. It’s not like I’m still carrying a torch for Ethan. Mostly what’s left now is regret and embarrassment and a good heaping of insecurity.
“Oh my God. Sorry. I’m being so rude barging in like that. I’m Audrey.”
I snap my attention back to the present.
“Wren,” I say awkwardly. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“You too,” she says. And then I’m dismissed as her attention focuses back on Ethan.
“I was just thinking about grabbing a bite to eat before I hit the books. Want to come with?”
Ethan looks conflicted for a moment.
“I have a paper,” he says apologetically.
“I solemnly promise I’ll have you back here in thirty minutes max. You have to eat. It’s good for the brain.”
Ethan caves. “If you say so,” he says. He does turn his gaze on me then, and raises his brows in a wordless invite.
“Oh,” I say. “No. I’m full. I just ate.”
Even if I’d been starving for a week, I can’t really imagine a more awkward setting. Me, my ex-boyfriend, and the new girl. No, thank you.
“You just want the desk,” Ethan accuses.
I shrug and force a grin onto my face. “I did get here first.”
He spends another moment eyeing me before he grabs his stuff.
And he goes.
And I look after him.
And I feel like an idiot.
A bit pathetic.
Sort of sad all of a sudden.
A tad bitter.
I bet Audrey would make a great girlfriend. She’ll have all sorts of spontaneous sex with Ethan. They’ll probably do it in broad daylight and nobody will feel the need to hide anything or wear a shirt or something.
Life’s too short to hide.
Just like that, I’m forced to face those words.