Sutton, for his part, looks strangely conflicted. If I had to guess, I think he’s trying to find a way to let me down gently. That’s nice of him. Unnecessary, but nice. Let’s face it, whatever chance I might’ve had with him disappeared the moment I delivered that pathetic monologue just now. Let’s have sex. I might not get hard, and you’ll probably take it personally, but let’s do it anyway.
I swallow when he still hasn’t done anything other than silently observe me.
“It’s fine,” I say. “It was a long shot anyway. Just figured I’d ask. I’ll download an app like a normal person.”
He’s still eyeing me with that unnerving intensity he sometimes has about him.
“An app,” he repeats.
I hold my hand up. “You don’t have to say anything. I know they exist. I know this was the more logical course to begin with. I just?—”
“I’ll do it.” He cuts me off so abruptly I can only stare at him and blink because I’m not sure I heard him right.
“You will?”
“Sure,” he says offhandedly, but he looks just a bit tense when he does it. I’m really not sure what that’s about but finding out is not a priority.
“Okay,” I say, a bit dazed from this sudden turn of events and the rush of relief that courses through me like a tidal wave. I clear my throat.
He smirks.
“Okay,” he says.
Guess that’s decided then.
I’m still on a nervous high when I arrive home, so I just barrel into the house without any coherent plan of action, which means I walk right into Remy, Jordan, and Theo having lunch together.
I freeze in the doorway like a teenager who just got caught sneaking into the house after a night out. Two-thirds of that scenario applies to this situation, too. And since I spent most of my best teenage years shuffling between hospitals and physical therapy appointments, trying to get my life back on track, I’m woefully underprepared for how to handle this moment in the best way.
Jordan is looking at me with raised brows. Remy’s trying to suppress a smile. Theo is hoovering down pasta like his life depends on it.
What’s my choice of greeting in this situation?
For some inexplicable reason, I go with a wave and a, “Howdy.”
Now they all just stare. Even Theo stops eating for a moment to roll his eyes at me.
Jordan recovers first and adopts the strict expression that he’s mastered so well over the years.
“Young man, where the hell have you been all night? We have been worried sick. Sick, I tell you!”
The stern effect is somewhat ruined by the gleeful spark in his eyes.
“You’re grounded until graduation,” Jordan says. “No phone, no friends, and certainly no going to the prom. And no, I don’t care that Chad asked you as his date and he’s going to be the prom king. You’re not going and that’s that.”
He’s enjoying this way too much.
I aim a look Theo’s way. “I feel for you, dude. This is your future.”
“Not if I don’t get caught.” Theo shrugs.
“Yeah, good luck with that,” I say with a snort.