This stress aspect would certainly explain why my joints are currently aching and my head is starting to pound. I hate having to sit the guys down like this. They’re not on trial, they’ve got nothing to prove. I just have to know I’m putting my heart in the right hands.
Violet returns a few minutes later with two large teapots, steam pouring from the spout. She sets them down alongside a jug of milk and a bowl filled with cubed sugar.
“We just have to wait for it to steep,” I say, breaking the awkward silence and tapping my feet on the carpeted floor with each passing second. Maybe this was a mistake. I should’ve just kept the guys at home and talked to them there. So what if there’s a risk we’ll end up fucking if we’re left alone, at least it wouldn’t be this fucking uncomfortable.
Fifteen minutes later and I could genuinely burst out laughing at just how out of place Orion, Kito and Adair are. I watch as Orion uses his huge hands to pour tea into a tiny china teacup bedecked with pretty pink flowers. Kito is making a mess, trying to figure out what goes first on the fruit scone on his plate; the UK-wide debate of jam or clotted cream first. Adair is just uncomfortable, wedged in his seat, long legs sticking out my side of the table and threatening to trip over the next unsuspecting waitress who passes.
“Jack isn’t a bad guy,” I start with, drawing in a deep breath. “He’s immature, always has been. Those friends of his don’t exactly help. They all act like they’re still eighteen, not heading towards thirty.”
“Don’t make excuses for him, Jess. He shouldn’t have treated you that way,” Orion argues, taking a tentative sip from his teacup and wrinkling his nose before he decides to toss in three more sugar cubes.
I chuckle, unable to stop myself when I notice Kito has a smear of cream across his top lip. “You’ve got a little bit of uh…” I signal to his mouth and he immediately grabs a linen napkin and dabs at his face, wiping every area except the one covered in cream.
Adair takes the napkin off him and wipes his face as though he’s dealing with a petulant child.
“No, he shouldn’t have treated me that way,” I agree, knowing it isn’t worth deep diving into the reasons why Jack is the way Jack is. “Men around here aren’t exactly easy to come by and Jack was nice to start with. Believe it or not, his immaturity was pretty refreshing when we first got together.”
“Did you bring us here to tell us you’re getting back together with him?” Kito asks, abandoning his scone and wiping his hand on his jeans.
“No…” I pause, fighting to find the words to explain. “No, I’m not saying that, I just…”
“Because if you want to go back to being with him, if you want to tell us that everything we did over the last few days was just a one-time thing because of your heat, then we won’t understand it but we’ll respect it,” Orion adds, his dark eyes glassy. “But you can’t tell us that every time you fucked us we didn’t fix a little part of each other we thought was either broken or missing.”
I look to Adair, whose eyes have dipped to the tablecloth where his fingers are busy working a hole in the fabric.
“No, that’s not what I’m trying to say if you just let me-”
“Because in all honesty, I don’t think we can go back to the way things were,” Orion keeps going, voice getting louder and more urgent as if he’s desperate for me to understand every word he’s saying. And I do understand, I understand better than I think he’ll ever know.
“If you want Jack just tell us,” Adair sighs, gaze lifting to mine.
“We just need to know what’s going on in your head; what do you want?” Kito chimes in. The words are all piling in on top of each other and making my head swim.
I thump my hands on the table. “I want to have you guys. I want you all! I want to keep you here in my stupid little cottage and never let you leave. I want to love you, I want you to fuck me like you’ve fucked me all week long and I want it now and tomorrow and probably forever. Just love me and be with me and fuck me.”
“Eh, no in here you’ll no!” Violet yells from the counter and my face burns beetroot red.
It’s with too much clarity and a lot of embarrassment that I realise I yelled that last bit. Every single table of people has turned to face us, mouths agape and eyes wide. Someone even has their hands over a child’s ears to protect their innocence.
“Sorry, Vi,” I apologise, wincing as I turn back to the table and cover my face with my hands. “I think we should go.”
“Yeah, I fucking think so too,” Kito stands first, grabbing my hand and dragging me out the tea room. I hope to God one of the boys paid the bill because the second I’m outside Kito’s lips are on mine and he’s lifting me up from the ground in one fell swoop.
The second we’re through the front door of the cottage, the boys are on me. Orion’s lips are on mine, devouring me within an inch of my mortal soul. Kito’s behind me, arms wrapped beneath my breasts while he feasts on my neck. Adair kneels at my side, fighting with the jeans that cover my legs as he tries to pull them down without bothering to undo the button or zip. It’s incredible. If I thought having them on me individually was heaven, this was the depths of something fiery and insatiable.
“Bed,” I groan into Orion’s mouth, tugging on his shirt in an effort to move the man mountain that’s keeping me planted. There’s a hurumph sound as we try and move as a unit, hitting off walls and doors as we make our way through the cottage. The cottage which really is far too small for all of us. If this is what I hope it is, a permanent situation, we might need to look into finding somewhere bigger.
A hand slips up my thigh as we come to a standstill in the hallway, my back pressed up against the wall. I look down to find Adair grinning up at me.
“You’re soaked already, mo chridhe,” he purrs, low in his chest. The sound travels through my body, making me lax and pliable in their hands.
“Let’s get you to bed, princess,” Orion moans in my ear, his teeth nipping at the lobe just hard enough to leave a glorious sting in its wake.
Kito leads the way, opening up the door into my bedroom as the other two manoeuvre me inside, not once taking their hands off me.