Page 2 of Pixel Perfect Pack

I cast my eyes back to my computer, the Discord chat still open and the game running in the background. The muffled sound of monsters and gunshots plays over the title music and it’s like a warm hug. Familiar and comforting as always.

“Okay, see you then.” I hang up the phone and toss it to the side. Using my shoulder I shift my headphones back into place and settle back into my gaming chair with a huff.

“I’m back,” I mumble, readying my character for another match.

“Uhh, you never left,” Minxy replies, leaving me confused.

“You forgot to mute yourself, babe,” MourningStar teases, his deep voice making that one mocking word sound like the filthiest thing I’ve ever heard.

I realise with embarrassment that not only did I not properly press the mute button but I also had the phone held up against my mic. Great.

“Let it go, guys,” Quietek adds, his highland accent curling around his few words and making it sound like poetry. “Do you want to play a few more games, JJ?”

My heart warms, I adore the three guys equally but it’s Quietek’s kind nature that always seems to catch me off guard.

“No it’s okay, I know you’ve got work to do and Minxy, isn’t it almost six?”

“Fuck, shit, balls!” Minxy scrambles over the headset and I can’t stop the laugh that leaves my lips. “I’ll catch you guys later or tomorrow or whatever, right now I have to go apologise to my nephew.”

“Catch you later Minx,” MourningStar replies casually. “And Quietek don’t forget you’re going to show me how to get into the cave in level thirty two tomorrow.”

“Catch you later, JJ, Mourning,” Minxy hops off first, his avatar turning grey.

“I’ll be back online at lunchtime, so I’ll catch you then,” Quietek replies. “Message me if you get bored, JJ. “

My lips turn up in a smile. “I will, thanks Tek.”

Within a few seconds, it’s just me and MourningStar left in the group chat. I know I can’t stay here and listen to him breathe for the next few hours so I clear my throat. “What are your plans for tonight? Any big dates lined up?”

He laughs, the sound rumbling in his chest. There’s a squeak in the background and I imagine him leaning back in his chair and throwing his arms back behind his head. “I might do a bonus stream later, a few subscribers want me to play some new horror game.”

“Don’t sound too excited.”

There’s a pause of a few seconds before he speaks again. “When are you going to start streaming? You’ve only been talking about it for the last year.”

The truth is I think about it all the time. I’d give anything to spend my days playing games and talking to people with the same interests as me. I just don’t know that I’m the right fit for streaming. I told Jack once that I wanted to give it a go and he basically told me that no one would pay money to watch me. Although he never said it directly, I know it’s because I’m a bigger girl. Not only that but I’m painfully shy.

“JJ?” MourningStar says in a sing-song voice, pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Sorry, um, yeah I’m not sure,” I reply, forcing myself to sound casual.

“Come on, you should try it. You’d be great. We need more girl gamers, especially ones like you.”

My brow crinkles. “What do you mean like me?”

There’s no hesitation in his tone when he answers my question. “Well, you’re a great fucking gamer for one. Hell, you know more about Death in Days than the three of us put together yet somehow you’re so open to taking advice on gameplay. You’re funny, smart, kind.”

My mouth forms a little circle as I try to take in his compliments. “Oh…”

I want to tell him my knowledge of the game is purely down to me making it my entire personality, probably because of my ASD. But I don’t. I just listen to him speak because it’s one of my favourite sounds.

“It’s just a game,” I mumble, my hands folded in my lap. I even have to train my eyes to stare at the calendar and posters on the wall behind my computer because somehow staring at Mourning’s cartoon avatar feels too personal.

“It’s a game you’re really fucking good at, Princess.”

The nickname only tightens the coil low in my stomach. He only says it when we’re alone on the server and sometimes I wonder if it’s a figment of my imagination. I don’t think I’d care even if it was, it’s intoxicating. I let myself daydream, wondering if his scent would be as addictive as his praise or the sweet words he whispers to me sometimes. The forbidden thought leaves my panties damp.

“Listen, we’ve been online together for a while, time is getting on,” he says, breaking the silence. Disappointment leaves a bitter taste on my tongue.